Cynara scolymus (120 days from transplant) Open-pollinated. An artichoke bred to be accessible for northern growers! Left to bloom, the buds open into massive otherworldly blue flowers that dry well.
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Brassica rapa (narinosa group) (45 days) Open-pollinated. Spoon-shaped dark green leaves in compact rosettes. Very hardy. Cut-and-come-again.
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Brassica rapa (45 days) Open-pollinated. A good lettucy-type Chinese cabbage featuring fast-growing undulating leaves with a slightly wrinkly...
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Brassica rapa (chinensis group) (20 days baby, 45 days full size) Open-pollinated. Lettucy pale green ruffled leaves. Mild, sweet. Will re-grow after cuttings. Cold hardy.
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Brassica juncea (20 days baby, 40 days mature) Open-pollinated. Light golden-green leaves are curled and lacy, adds lift to salad mixes. Mustardy zing. Resists bolting in heat.
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Brassica rapa (japonica group) (40 days) Open-pollinated. Japanese heirloom. Deeply cut fringed leaves on slender white stalks. For microgreens, cut-and-come-again, succession plantings and baby leaf production.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (57 days) Open-pollinated. 6" pods. Long a standard for flavor. Not heat tolerant, but excellent for fall crops. White seed.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. High yields of tasty 5–7" straight slender round dark green beans. Holds quality well both on the plant and after harvest.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (50 days) Open-pollinated. Concentrated sets of 5-5.5" pods. High yields even in adverse conditions. A popular favorite. Purple seed.
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Phaseolus lunatus (103 days) Open-pollinated. 18" tall. 3 tender beans per pod, grey in the shell stage and drying to buff with purple and black mottling. White flowers.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (68 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom bears 7-9" pods with nutty flavor. Very productive. Excellent for freezing. Brown seed.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (70 days) Open-pollinated. Beautiful 6-7" green pods with purple streaking. Tan seed with dark stripes. Also known as Preacher Bean.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (90 days) Open-pollinated. Produces 4-5 beautiful black-and-white beans per pod, with a texture similar to Yellow Eye. Doubles in size when cooked.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Grown for greens, not roots. Large glossy reddish-purple leaves. Holds quality in summer but best in fall and under winter cover.
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Beta vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. Vibrantly golden beets, sweet and delicious. Elongated pyramid shape with no green shoulders. Greens also delicious!
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (85 days) F-1 hybrid. Consistent yields of exceptionally tender, high-quality blue-green domed 8” heads with rather large beads. Tolerates some heat.
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Brassica oleracea (capitata group) (103 days) F-1 hybrid. Mondo 12.5-lb basketball-sized green heads, for fall cooking and kraut. Large plants suppress weeds.
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Brassica oleracea (capitata group) (95 days) Open-pollinated. French heirloom. Large medium-green heads average 4-6 lb. Juicy, with mild semi-sweet flavor.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Short stems bear compact 1-2 lb uniform firm white tight heads with fine beads. Early, but less dense than later varieties.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (62 days) F-1 hybrid. This super early deep purple cauliflower with tight curds will start forming heads before than any other purple around.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (76 days) F-1 hybrid. Lively bright green cauliflower with great texture raw and cooked. Stays green when cooked. Hefty heads.
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Zea mays (72 days baby, 110 dry) Open-pollinated. For baby corn, harvest ears about five days after silks appear. Or grow to full size for popcorn. 5' plants each bear 3-6 4" ears with white kernels.
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Cucumis melo var. flexuosus (55 days from transplant) Open-pollinated. Specialty heirloom "snake melon" cuke. Curved coiled slender fruit with light and dark green stripes. Best eaten at 8-18".
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Cucumis sativus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom performs in tunnels and outdoors. 10-14" slim Euro-type cuke with mild flavor; not bitter, few seeds. Trellis for straight fruits.
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Solanum melongena (88 days) Open-pollinated. Italian heirloom. White with lavender streaking, plump, 3-4" wide by 5" long. Fruits avg 2 lb. Creamy, delicate, great for gourmet markets.
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Ammobium alatum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Shimmery ½" pearl-like buds on long stems add a studded silvery sparkle to both fresh summer arrangements and to dried bouquets and wreaths.
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Centaurea cyanus (96 days) Open-pollinated. Annual. Flowers have dark centers in maroons and purples that fade into white outer petals, creating a frosted effect.
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Centaurea cyanus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Annual. Ruffled dark maroon flowers, sometimes called Black Gem Bachelor’s Button. 3' tall. Hard to find.
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Centaurea cyanus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Early frilly 2" periwinkle-blue blooms on semi-dwarf 2' plants. A popular favorite with a long bloom period.
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Moluccella laevis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Everlasting annual. Spikes of bright green bell-shaped “flowers” turn creamy white when dried for winter arrangements.
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Bupleurum griffithii (90 days) Open-pollinated. Everlasting annual. Features round leaves and unusual yellowish flowers air dry perfectly, retaining their color. Great filler for bouquets.
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Eschscholzia californica (60 days) Open-pollinated. Cheery cup-shaped silky blooms range from light orange to deep rust, opening their faces to the sun each morning and closing up again at night.
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Callistephus chinensis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Irresistible bicolor 2–3" peony-type blooms of iridescent white and purple. Bred for uniform height and bloom time.
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Thymus serpyllum Open-pollinated. Creeping sweet-scented ground cover with purple flowers good in rock gardens, between stepping stones or on dry slopes.
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Coreopsis tinctoria Open-pollinated. Beautiful native ornamental. Provides a full palette of color from yellows and greens to rusts and browns-and even black.
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Saponaria officinalis Open-pollinated. Not a dye plant; saponin-rich roots and leaves used to gently wash wool. Sweetly clove-scented pink perennial attracts pollinators. 3' plant.
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Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Single-petaled flowers set early, bloom strong until frost. Variegated petals of dark and light orange. 8" tall.
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Tagetes patula (100 days) Open-pollinated. Small single striped flowers with bright stripes of burgundy and yellow. Good for bouquets. 20" tall.
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Gaillardia aristata (90 days) Open-pollinated. Sun-loving native wildflower of the American Southwest is a favorite of butterflies and of gardeners who make bouquets. Perennial.
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Gaillardia pulchella Open-pollinated. Daisy-type flowers in reds, yellow, rust and orange with a prominent colored center. Free flowering, low maintenance and easy to grow. Attracts butterflies. Good cutflower.
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Lobelia pendula (60 days) Open-pollinated. Very uniform tiny lush flowers bloom continuously from early summer to early fall to grace your garden, window boxes and hanging baskets. Annual.
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Nigella damascena (70 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of pink, blue and white flowers. Spiky decorative seed pods used in dried arrangements. 18".
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Lupinus polyphyllus Open-pollinated. Genetics determine that blues will dominate in lupine mixes. Revitalize your patch with a new burst of red.
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Reseda odorata Open-pollinated. Insignificant yellow-green blossoms grown for their enticing raspberry scent. Once common in Paris. Compact plants.
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Ipomoea purpurea Open-pollinated. Cheery masses of white flowers with blue or pink accents in a festive array of patterns. Vigorous 6' climbers.
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Ipomoea purpurea (70 days) Open-pollinated. Climbs to at least 8-9' with trellising, rich deep purple bloom with a glowing magenta center and dark 5-pointed star pattern.
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Convolvulus tricolor (50 days) Open-pollinated. Each trumpet appears hand painted, with royal blue exteriors and iridescent white-to-gold centers. Eye-catching in beds, borders and pots. 18" tall bushes are covered in blooms all summer.
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Tropaeolum majus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Striking variegated green and white foliage and tangy yellow and orange blossoms. Great plant for hanging baskets. 16" plants.
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Tropaeolum majus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Dark purplish-green leaves with brilliant crimson-scarlet flowers contrast well with other varieties. 16" plants.
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Tropaeolum majus (42 days) Open-pollinated. Bushy variety holds its blooms above the foliage. Early free-flowering blend of orange, yellow, red and gold. 16".
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Tropaeolum majus (42 days) Open-pollinated. Bushy variety holds its blooms above the foliage. Early free-flowering blend of orange, yellow, red and gold. 16".
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Phacelia tanacetifolia Open-pollinated. The small frizzy curling lavender-blue sprays provide high-quality pollen and nectar. Can be used to increase beneficial insect diversity and populations while suppressing weeds. Great for honey.
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Phlox paniculata F-1 hybrid. Mix of white, pinks, reds and lilacs excellent for borders and cutflowers. Blooms from June till frost. Perennial.
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Scabiosa atropurpurea Open-pollinated. Mix features purple, lavender, red, pink, white and almost-maroon. Each 2" bloom is a rounded mass of tiny florets.
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Scabiosa stellata (90 days) Open-pollinated. Delicate periwinkle flowers pass by into ethereal bronze globes of transparent seedheads studded with black stars. These papery pods add texture and interest to dried and fresh arrangements.
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Papaver Open-pollinated. White spots on petals form a cross reminiscent of the Danish flag. Attractive large seedheads ideal for drying. 27" stems.
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Papaver orientale Open-pollinated. Fuzzy fern-like leaves, showy buds open to dazzling scarlet blooms with contrasting black eyes. Grows 16".
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Papaver Open-pollinated. Fire engine-red blooms resemble ladybugs with four black center dots. Compact 1½" delicate single blooms atop wiry 15" stems.
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Rudbeckia hirta (86 days) Open-pollinated. Bright 4" golden-orange blooms with deep-set brown eyes. Long strong stems set on 24-30" plants make this an outstanding cutflower.
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Salvia viridis Open-pollinated. White and blue flowers set off by large pink-to-purple bracts. Leaves entirely green. Remains colorful when dried. 18" stalks.
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Tagetes tenuifolia (68 days) Open-pollinated. Bears tiny abundant “gems” in shades of crimson, burnt orange and yellow. Excellent for containers and companion planting. Edible flowers. 12–15" tall.
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Antirrhinum majus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Spikes of magenta and buttercream blossoms yellow throats bloom from mid-July into September. Ideal for beds, borders, and of course, cutflowers. A star in our 2023 flower trials.
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Helianthus annuus (70-90 days) Open-pollinated. Lovely mix of earthen shades: bright yellow to bronze and purples. Blossoms 4-6" across. 6-8' multibranching stalks. A top seller.
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Helianthus annuus F-1 hybrid. A formula blend with colors ranging from white to darkest red, with double and semi-double flowers. 4-5' stalks bearing 4-8" pollen-free flowers.
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Helianthus annuus (120 days) Open-pollinated. A traditional variety of giant single-stem sunflower with large seed heads. One to grow if you want to eat the seeds or plant a maze. 6”12'.
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Helianthus annuus (65 days) F-1 hybrid. Also known as Rouge Royale. Gorgeous 5-7" dark red pollen-free blossoms on 5-6' multi-branching stems. Favorite among commercial growers for its color.
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Helianthus annuus (55 days) F-1 hybrid. Ruby-red petals with lemon tips. Dark centers sometimes shade into pink. Gorgeous pollen-free 4-5" flowers on 6' branching plants.
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Helianthus annuus (65 days) Open-pollinated. Vibrant 8" flowers, yellow surrounding a dark disk, on 5' plants. Can be grown as a single stem or pinched to branch out.
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Helianthus debilis Open-pollinated. Pale yellow petals are nearly white and contrast well with the rich dark center disk. Polyheaded with 5' stalks, 3-4" blossoms.
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Helianthus annuus (55-65 days) F-1 hybrid. This splendid single-stem sunflower matches the cutting standard ProCut® Orange in reliability, quality and timing. Radiant golden petals surround a dark pollenless center.
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Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. An antique striated variety. Blossoms contain subtle variations of bright reds with creamy white streakings. Heavily perfumed. Vines grow to 3'.
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Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Oldest and among the most fragrant of all sweet peas. Deep maroon-purple upper petals with deep violet-blue lower petals. 5' vines.
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Lathyrus odoratus x L. belinensis Open-pollinated. Pale mauve-pink and deeper-hued lavender-blue wings, grandiflora type, growing to 6', with 3-4 flowers per stem.
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Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Semi-dwarf 20" bush-type plants need no support, produce full-length stems. Mix includes chianti, pink, blue-violet and lavender.
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Lathyrus odoratus (75 days) Open-pollinated. Mixture of crimson, scarlet, white, lavender, deep rose, medium blue and pink. Long stems make ideal cutflowers. 4-6' staking variety.
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Lathyrus latifolius Open-pollinated. The traditional English cottage sweet pea. Shades of rose, white and pink in big clusters. Good cutflowers. Climbs 6'.
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Lathyrus odoratus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of blue, lavender, pink, purple, chocolate, orange and scarlet, streaked with white. Huge blossoms and great as a cutflower. Over 5' tall.
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Tithonia rotundifolia (120 days) Open-pollinated. Stately 6' plants with velvety leaves bear scarlet-orange 4-5" blooms that attract hummingbirds and monarch butterflies. Popular variety.
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Verbena hybrida var. grandiflora Open-pollinated. Mix of deep magenta, white, lilac, blue-violet and fuchsia, with white throats. Multi-branching semi-sprawling habit.
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Verbena bonariensis (90 days) Open-pollinated. Proud strong 3”4' stems topped with vibrant purple flowers that bloom from July to October. Ideal cutflower. Extremely drought-resistant.
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Zinnia elegans (85 days) Open-pollinated. 3-4' tall and bushy blooms with masses of brilliant 4-6" double flowers in red, yellow, orange, lavender, maroon, violet and white.
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Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. Blend of cherry, orange, pink, purple, scarlet, white and yellow dahlia-flowered blossoms 4-5" across. Excellent for cutting. 3½'.
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Zinnia elegans (95 days) Open-pollinated. Crimson-centered flowers with petal edges that appear dipped in gold. Reliable, long vase life, easy to grow. An excellent replacement for Zowie!
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Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. Small 2' plants with flowers 2½-3" across. Wide range of colors includes orange, yellow, white, pink, lavender and scarlet.
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Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. Even Gene, who doesn’t like gaudy zinnias, was attracted to Scarlet Flame’s elegant bright scarlet blooms. 3' stems. Predates 1934.
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Zinnia elegans (90 days) Open-pollinated. Huge single and double blooms on 30" plants. Colors include red, magenta, purple, orange, lavender and pink. Our best-selling zinnia.
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Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera (95 days) Open-pollinated. Warted assorted flats, rounds, short pears and spoons in a variety of colors and patterns.
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Cucurbita pepo var. ovifera (95 days) Open-pollinated. Eight kinds of early-maturing types, with small spoon, bicolored pear and small orange most prevalent.
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Amaranthus tricolor (120 days) Open-pollinated. Very red Jamaican traditional green for Callaloo stew. Beautiful tricolor blaze makes it ornamental as well.
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Beta vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. Gold, yellow, orange and pink stems, midribs and veins. Tender dark green to bronze leaves with mild chard flavor.
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Beta vulgaris (56 full size; 30 days baby leaf) Open-pollinated. Much like Fordhook, except it’s more compact, deeply savoyed, more uniform and with a narrower stem. Long harvest window.
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Cichorium endivia (85 days) Open-pollinated. Also known as Escarole. Smooth broad green outer leaves with creamy yellow closely bunched center leaves. Especially good as a fall crop; tolerates frost under row cover.
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Cichorium endivia (42 days) Open-pollinated. French heirloom. Large frizzy sweet endive with very fine ribs. For late spring and early summer harvests.
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Nasturtium officinale (60 days) Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 4, native to Europe. Start seeds indoors and transplant to cold frame, keeping...
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Montia perfoliata (40 days) Open-pollinated. Small, heart-shaped leaves with a mild but succulent flavor. Use in mesclun and cut-and-come-again culture.
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Valerianella locusta (45 days) Open-pollinated. Very cold-hardy small-seeded small-leaved strain of this winter staple salad green. Can be overwintered.
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Agastache foeniculum Open-pollinated. Perennial can grow 3' tall, 2' wide. Vigorous self-sower. Anise-scented foliage and purple flowers delightful as a tea or culinary seasoning, or filler in mixed bouquets.
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Alchemilla mollis Open-pollinated. Perennial. 12-18" Bears large loose sprays of tiny greenish-yellow flowers from early summer onward. Makes a good border and ground cover in shady locations.
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Levisticum officinale (85-95 days) Open-pollinated. Perennial. Umbelliferous, attracts beneficial insects, grows 3-6' and makes a dramatic architectural element in a decorative border.
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Silybum marianum Open-pollinated. Named for the bold white splashes on its glossy leaves, said to be from Mary’s milk. Fast-growing 3-5' annual with leaves up to 8x24".
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Allium schoenoprasum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Hardy perennial. 1-2' dark blue-green leaves are medium-fine, long and slender. Lilac-colored flowers bloom in June and July.
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Mentha pulegium Open-pollinated. Perennial. Hardy aromatic ground cover; plants creep with only the lavender flower stalks rising above the ground.
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Rosmarinus officinalis Open-pollinated. Beloved tender perennial growing to 3-4'. Cannot withstand temperatures below 17°, may be overwintered indoors if kept cool and moist.
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Stevia rebaudiana (100-120 days) Open-pollinated. Stevia is several hundred times sweeter than sugar, and is used fresh, dried, powdered or in a liquid as a sugar substitute.
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Origanum majorana (80-95 days) Open-pollinated. Grown as an annual in the North. 1' plant with grey-green rounded leaves of enchanting sweet fragrance.
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Galium odoratum Open-pollinated. Perennial ground cover for shade. Whorls of pointed vanilla-scented leaves covered with clusters of tiny snowy-white spring flowers. 6-8" tall.
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Hypericum perforatum Open-pollinated. 1-3' perennial hardy to Zone 3. Pretty yellow flower of fields and meadows turns tinctures and oils deep red.
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Achillea millefolium Open-pollinated. Perennial grows 1-2', spreads slowly, preferring lean soil. Rich garden soil may produce lush 3' plants that need staking. Zone 2.
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Sinapis alba (70-85 days) Open-pollinated. As easy to grow as the leafy mustards. The variety of mustard most familiar to American palates, but pallid without the addition of turmeric.
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Matricaria recutita Open-pollinated. One of the most widely known herbs, powerful yet gentle, long used to promote relaxation. Perhaps a tad less sweet than others.
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Ocimum basilicum Open-pollinated. Vigorous mulberry-tinted basil with anise fragrance makes a highly decorative tall bushy plant. Slow to bolt.
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Ocimum basilicum (70 days) Open-pollinated. The choice of many connoisseurs for making pesto. Leaves are slightly smaller and finer than Sweet Basil with more aroma and potency.
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Ocimum basilicum minimum (70 days) Open-pollinated. 8" and maintains a compact mound of light green leaves and white flowers. Its leaves are small, thin and strongly scented.
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Ocimum basilicum (70 days) Open-pollinated. The heaviest-yielding variety, recommended for drying, all-around great eating, and large-scale pesto production.
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Anethum graveolens (55 days) Open-pollinated. Bouquet is usually grown for dill weed production because its leaves are sweeter and more refined than those of Mammoth.
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Lavandula angustifolia Open-pollinated. Also known as English Lavender. Not a named variety; perhaps a less-refined habit than Vincenza Blue.
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Lavandula angustifolia Open-pollinated. Also known as English Lavender. Not a named variety; perhaps a less-refined habit than Vincenza Blue.
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Origanum syriacum Open-pollinated. An oregano that carries a bit of zing, and is a necessary ingredient in the condiment za’atar. Bushy tender perennial, hardy to Zone 10, grown as an annual in colder climes.
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Petroselinum crispum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Double-curled type with long upright stiff stems. Holds color all season, tolerates heat and repeated cuttings.
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Petroselinum crispum (70 days) Open-pollinated. Italian heirloom. Flat-leaved parsley with good early seedling vigor and rich sweet flavor. Grows to 1' tall.
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Satureja hortensis (70 days) Open-pollinated. Annual grows to 1½' with narrow dark green leaves and lavender flowers. Cut often during growing season, before blossoms appear.
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Brassica oleracea (acephala group) (60 days) Open-pollinated. This 1930's heirloom gives generous harvests of dark green thick crumpled leaves with a mild cabbage-like flavor. Will overwinter in high tunnels in our climate.
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Brassica oleracea (acephala group) (30 days baby, 56 days mature) Open-pollinated. The most commonly grown kale. Dense finely curled blue-green leaves on upright hardy plants. Best as a fall crop, planted July or August.
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Brassica oleracea (acephala group) (30 days baby, 55 days mature) Open-pollinated. Frilly purple leaves suitable for baby leaf or bunching. Similar to Redbor leaf shape and color.
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Brassica napus (pabularia group) (60 days) Open-pollinated. Unsurpassed tenderness and flavor. Green oakleaf with purple veining darkens in cold weather. Wilts quickly once picked. Great microgreens.
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Brassica napus (pabularia group) (60 days) Open-pollinated. Unsurpassed tenderness and flavor. Green oakleaf with purple veining darkens in cold weather. Wilts quickly once picked. Great microgreens.
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Brassica oleracea (gongylodes group) (130 days) Open-pollinated. Czechoslovakian heirloom. Green kohlrabi can exceed 10" and 10 lb without getting woody. Crisp white interior is mildly tangy.
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Lactuca sativa (65 days) Open-pollinated. Compact hardy plants with reddish-amber–tipped green leaves and crunchy batavian taste. French heirloom stands the test of time as well as the chill of fall.
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Lactuca sativa (58 days) Open-pollinated. Attractive frizzy foliage is light red on top, light green at base. Use in salad for loft and texture, for accent or garnish. Very cold tolerant.
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Lactuca sativa (45 days) Open-pollinated. Frilly looseleaf lettuce with deeply cut pointed leaves. A standard component of salad mixes. Recommended for overwintering and cool weather.
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Lactuca sativa (49 days) Open-pollinated. Unique Butterhead/Romaine combination with ruffled savoyed leaves dappled red and green. Very crisp and buttery.
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Lactuca sativa (68 days) Open-pollinated. Market standard romaine. Upright 8-9" heads fold inward to form compact greenish-white centers. Resists bolting, even in heat.
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Cucumis melo (80 days) F-1 hybrid. Green flesh. Round uniform 1.5-3 lb fruit with light but full net. Skin blushes yellow as fruit ripens. Harvest at full slip.
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Cucumis melo (70 days) F-1 hybrid. This unusual sweet and sour melon is tart, punchy and refreshing. Unlike most specialty melons, these are easy to grow and can reliably mature in Maine.
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Cucumis melo (75 days) F-1 hybrid. This hybrid melon can handle the trials of storage and shipping, making it a great 4–5 lb market melon. Orange flesh is smooth, mild and slightly sweet.
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Abelmoschus esculentus (75 days) Open-pollinated. Edible and ornamental. Slender burgundy pods best harvested at 4". Green leaves and burgundy stems and pods.
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Brassica napus (95 days) Open-pollinated. Canadian origin. Uniform 5-6" almost neckless rutabaga with deep purple crown and cream-yellow base. Sweet pale yellow flesh.
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Capsicum annuum (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Deep carmine horn-shaped 2.5x6" fruits. Classic Italian Corno di Toro type. Unusually sweet. Widely adapted and early maturing.
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Raphanus sativus (25 days) Open-pollinated. Rosy-pink color with bright white flesh, crisp and mild. Oblong plump roots hold longer than others without cracking or getting soft and pithy.
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Raphanus sativus (23 days) Open-pollinated. A classic, done well. Impressively heat tolerant; roots can become quite large while maintaining round shape and resisting pithiness.
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Cucurbita pepo (50 days) Open-pollinated. Bulbous fruit has thin pale green skin with white specks. Vigorous bush habit, cranks out the fruits. Firm and flavorful.
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Cucurbita pepo (48 days) F-1 hybrid. Uniform bright yellow fruit with pale green “stars” on the blossom end. Open plant with very few spines.
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Cucurbita pepo (54 days) F-1 hybrid. Specialty semi-straightneck. 4-6" fruit has a yellow neck; blossom end is half yellow, half green. Large plant with an open habit.
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Solanum lycopersicum (85 days) Open-pollinated. Red oxheart nippled 8 oz heirloom paste. Consistent good flavor; sets the standard for paste tomatoes.
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Solanum lycopersicum (71 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow pink-blushed fuzzy 2 oz fruit. Soft-skinned, juicy, very sweet and fruity heirloom. Relatively early and prolific.
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Solanum lycopersicum (73 days) F-1 hybrid. Red uniform 6 oz fruits. Flavorful, mild, juicy, a little mealy. Rarely crack; no green shoulders.
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Solanum lycopersicum (82 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow large slightly ribbed 1 lb fruit with ring-scar at blossom end. Variable quality; eat the pretty ones, compost the rest. Potato-leaf foliage.
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Solanum lycopersicum (64 days) F-1 hybrid. Red small fruit, with bomb-proof resistance against late blight lineage US 23. Great taste, highly productive, great look at market.
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Solanum lycopersicum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Large bright yellow cherries! Productive, disease resistant, crack-free and borne in large clusters.
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Solanum lycopersicum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Glossy red plum-shaped 1-2 oz grape tomato. Prolific, crack-resistant, versatile: use them fresh, dried, stewed, sauced. Sweet and tangy.
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Solanum lycopersicum (64 days) F-1 hybrid. Red 5-8g grapes. Super crunchy, some tartness and complexity. Some crack-resistance. Early and productive.
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Solanum lycopersicum (60 days) Open-pollinated. In our trials this mighty OP outperformed many grape-type hybrids in earliness, productivity and flavor. Good for fresh eating, cooking and processing.
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Citrullus lanatus (76 days) F-1 hybrid. These 2.2 lb oval melons boast a crunchy texture and complex sweet flavor unmarred by the small sparse seeds. Showed good productivity in a poor melon year.
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