Germination Test Results of Seed Lots

Item # Item Name Lot # Germ. Rate Test Date
204 Provider Green Bush Bean 441 98% 12/23
204 Provider Green Bush Bean 451 96% 5/24
204 Provider Green Bush Bean 452 94% 12/23
204 Provider Green Bush Bean 461 98% 5/24
204 Provider Green Bush Bean 462 99% 5/24
205 Provider Green Bush Bean - Organic 441 89% 5/24
205 Provider Green Bush Bean - Organic 451 91% 4/24
205 Provider Green Bush Bean - Organic 461 86% 3/24
210 Strike Green Bush Bean 451 88% 12/23
210 Strike Green Bush Bean 452 90% 2/24
210 Strike Green Bush Bean 461 91% 4/24
210 Strike Green Bush Bean 462 91% 3/24
212 Accelerate Green Bush Bean 451 96% 2/24
212 Accelerate Green Bush Bean 461 96% 2/24
214 Greencrop Roma Bush Bean 431 83% 5/24
214 Greencrop Roma Bush Bean 451 91% 2/24
214 Greencrop Roma Bush Bean 452 86% 2/24
225 Royal Burgundy Purple Bush Bean - Organic 411 94% 5/24
225 Royal Burgundy Purple Bush Bean - Organic 441 91% 2/24
230 Jade Green Bush Bean 461 85% 1/24
230 Jade Green Bush Bean 462 85% 2/24
231 Jade Green Bush Bean - Organic 461 87% 5/24
238 Bush Blue Lake 274 Green Bush Bean 451 89% 2/24
238 Bush Blue Lake 274 Green Bush Bean 461 84% 4/24
241 Red Tail Green Bush Bean - Organic 441 91% 5/24
246 Roma II Roma Bush Bean 461 95% 4/24
246 Roma II Roma Bush Bean 462 86% 2/24
249 Maxibel Bush Haricots Vert - Organic 441 92% 5/24
254 Velour Purple Filet Bush Haricots Vert 451 80% 12/23
254 Velour Purple Filet Bush Haricots Vert 452 84% 5/24
254 Velour Purple Filet Bush Haricots Vert 461 94% 5/24
265 Gold Rush Bush Wax Bean - Organic 441 85% 4/24
269 Golden Butterwax Bush Wax Bean - Organic 451 85% 4/24
271 Dragon Langerie Bush Wax Bean - Organic 451 90% 4/24
271 Dragon Langerie Bush Wax Bean - Organic 461 93% 3/24
280 Northeaster Pole Bean - Organic 441 93% 5/24
280 Northeaster Pole Bean - Organic 451 92% 2/24
280 Northeaster Pole Bean - Organic 461 92% 2/24
281 Golden Gate Pole Bean - Organic 451 96% 5/24
282 Fortex Pole Bean - Organic 461 97% 12/23
285 Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean 451 96% 2/24
285 Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean 461 96% 3/24
288 Purple Podded Pole Bean 451 99% 4/24
288 Purple Podded Pole Bean 461 98% 4/24
292 Rattlesnake Pole Bean 451 98% 4/24
292 Rattlesnake Pole Bean 461 85% 1/24
293 PB&J Nebula Gene Pool Shell and Dry Bush Bean 461 100% 11/23
295 Blue Coco Pole Bean - Organic 441 96% 5/24
295 Blue Coco Pole Bean - Organic 451 96% 5/24
297 Multicolored Pole Bean Blend 451 99% 3/24
298 Windsor Fava Bean 461 96% 4/24
298 Windsor Fava Bean 462 94% 4/24
318 Scarlet Runner Pole Bean 441 94% 12/23
318 Scarlet Runner Pole Bean 451 94% 4/24
318 Scarlet Runner Pole Bean 461 87% 5/24
318 Scarlet Runner Pole Bean 462 86% 5/24
322 Red Noodle Yard Long Bean 461 85% 5/24
323 Packer’s Lima Bean - Organic 461 82% 1/24
324 Jackson Wonder Lima Bean 451 81% 3/24
324 Jackson Wonder Lima Bean 461 94% 4/24
324 Jackson Wonder Lima Bean 462 85% 3/24
325 King of the Garden Lima Bean 461 85% 3/24
326 Taylor Dwarf Horticultural Shell and Dry Bush Bean 442 93% 5/24
326 Taylor Dwarf Horticultural Shell and Dry Bush Bean 461 90% 4/24
328 Vermont Cranberry Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 451 87% 5/24
329 Vermont Cranberry Bean Shell and Dry Bush Bean 461 89% 5/24
334 Black Coco Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 441 91% 12/23
334 Black Coco Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 451 85% 5/24
334 Black Coco Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 97% 2/24
336 King of the Early Shell and Dry Bush Bean 461 97% 5/24
336 King of the Early Shell and Dry Bush Bean 462 91% 1/24
338 Marfax Shell and Dry Bush Bean 451 91% 3/24
339 Marfax Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 92% 1/24
346 Gaucho Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 451 91% 3/24
346 Gaucho Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 98% 5/24
347 White Candle Gaucho Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 451 94% 3/24
347 White Candle Gaucho Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 94% 5/24
349 Soldier Shell and Dry Bush Bean 451 75% 2/24
349 Soldier Shell and Dry Bush Bean 461 75% 2/24
350 Soldier Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 441 95% 4/24
354 Kenearly Shell and Dry Bush Bean 451 91% 2/24
354 Kenearly Shell and Dry Bush Bean 461 94% 5/24
356 Calypso Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 88% 3/24
362 Dolloff Pole Bean - Sustainably Grown 451 98% 4/24
365 Brown Resilient Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 99% 5/24
367 Quincy Pinto Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 441 98% 1/24
367 Quincy Pinto Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 93% 3/24
377 Red Kidney Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 461 79% 2/24
385 Black Turtle Shell and Dry Bush Bean - Organic 462 93% 2/24
488 Tankuro Soybean - Organic 461 80% 1/24
491 Shirofumi Soybean - Organic 451 95% 2/24
491 Shirofumi Soybean - Organic 461 89% 5/24
494 Chiba Soybean - Organic 461 85% 12/23
506 Cafe Yellow Sweet Corn 451 92% 2/24
506 Cafe Yellow Sweet Corn 431 82% 4/24
506 Cafe Yellow Sweet Corn 461 97% 4/24
516 Ashworth Yellow Sweet Corn - Organic 451 99% 4/24
541 Bodacious RM Yellow Sweet Corn 461 92% 2/24
541 Bodacious RM Yellow Sweet Corn 451 98% 2/24
561 Incredible RM Yellow Sweet Corn 451 94% 2/24