You are viewing all Fedco Seeds products related to “Grains.”

Red Broom Corn
Flower Seed

sold out
Sorghum bicolor (105 days) Open-pollinated. Produces tall sprays of seedheads laden with shiny red seeds. Great for fall decorations and bird feed. Used to make brooms. 7-10'. read more


Purple Majesty Millet
Flower Seed

Pennisetum glaucum (120 days) F-1 hybrid. Ornamental grass with deep-purple foliage and large purple seed spikes. Popular in arrangements. 3-5' tall. read more


Black Eagle Spring Wheat - Organic
Flower Seed

Triticum aestivum Open-pollinated. Dual-purpose spring wheat: Harvest early for ornamental grain, later for 6-row wheat for baking. read more


Utrecht Blue Spring Wheat - Organic
Flower Seed

Triticum durum Open-pollinated. Too beautiful to eat! Used for wheat weaving and flower arrangements. Four rows with blue-grey husks and long black awns. Sow in April, reap in Sept. read more


Opopeo Amaranth - Organic

Amaranthus hybridus (65 days to flower, 125 days to seed) Open-pollinated. Is it a green vegetable? An ornamental? A gluten-free grain? Why, yes! No wonder Amaranth was sacred in pre-Columbian Mexico. read more


Terra Hulless Oats - Organic

Avena nuda (100 days) Open-pollinated. Grain that’s easier to thresh than most other oats, though it still has a small hull that must be removed. A good variety to re-introduce growing grain on home ground. read more


Duborskian - ECO
Rice - Grain

sold out
Oryza sativa (115 days from transplant) Open-pollinated. Upland short-grain hardy Russian variety adapted to dry-land production. Can withstand a light frost. May be direct seeded in warmer regions. read more


Titanio Rose - ECO
Rice - Grain

unavailable, no supply coming
Oryza sativa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Upland short-grain brown rice from Italy with creamy texture and great flavor. Used for risotto. read more


Yukihikari - ECO
Rice - Grain

Oryza sativa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Short grain light brown rice, can work in Zone 5b in paddies from direct sowing but does best from transplants. read more


Yukimochi - ECO
Rice - Grain

Oryza sativa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Lowland variety from northern Japan. Pearly white short-grain sweet-sticky rice is great for mochi and fries well. read more


Texicoa Sorghum - Organic

sold out
Sorghum bicolor (100 days) Open-pollinated. A white-seeded 4' grain sorghum, can be popped, but it is more commonly ground into a mild-flavored flour, cooked as a grain, or sometimes nixtamalized like corn and made into tortillas. read more


Green Callaloo
Specialty Greens - Grain

sold out
Amaranthus tricolor (120 days) Open-pollinated. Thick, smooth, tender stems and deep green leaves with rich, nutty flavor. read more


Red Callaloo
Specialty Greens - Grain

sold out
Amaranthus tricolor (120 days) Open-pollinated. Very red Jamaican traditional green for Callaloo stew. Beautiful tricolor blaze makes it ornamental as well. read more



Lupinus mutabilis (130 days, longer to seed) Open-pollinated. “Lost” crop of the Incas. Wild-looking 3' lupine native to the high Andes. Attractive, many-colored flowers. Protein-rich seeds. read more


Sirvinta Winter Wheat - Organic

Triticum aestivum Open-pollinated. Awnless hard red winter type adapted to moister, forest-based soils. read more
