Helianthus annuus (90-100 days) Open-pollinated. Rare indigenous heirloom used as a natural dye source for coloring baskets purplish charcoal. Also edible. 8' stalks.
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Coreopsis tinctoria Open-pollinated. Beautiful native ornamental. Provides a full palette of color from yellows and greens to rusts and browns-and even black.
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Rubia tinctorum Open-pollinated. Ancient and excellent source of red dye. Harvest roots after three years and grind to yield a wash- and light-fast red dye par excellence. 4' plants.
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Amaranthus cruentus (46 days) Open-pollinated. Stately 6' plant with 1-2' deep burgundy inflorescences. Traditional food dye.
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Solanum lycopersicum (68 days) Open-pollinated. The color of port with metallic green stripes. Great flavor, productivity, size, disease tolerance. Usually bi-lobed, avg 9 oz. Holds well in field.
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Alchemilla mollis Open-pollinated. Perennial. 12-18" Bears large loose sprays of tiny greenish-yellow flowers from early summer onward. Makes a good border and ground cover in shady locations.
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Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Mix of yellow, gold, orange and red. Double flowers are 2-2½" wide. Compact 10-12" plants.
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Viburnum acerifolium 3-6' × 2-4'. Forms small colonies along woods edges. Simple understated beauty, attractive to butterflies and birds. Tie-dye fall colors! Native. Z3.
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Glebionis coronaria (40 days) Open-pollinated. Japanese Shungiku prized for small grey-green leaves and 5" yellow flowers, both edible. Sow in spring.
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Cosmos sulphureus Open-pollinated. Flame-red free-flowering double blossoms on wiry stems. 4' tall.
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Amaranthus tricolor (120 days) Open-pollinated. Very red Jamaican traditional green for Callaloo stew. Beautiful tricolor blaze makes it ornamental as well.
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deep dark purple skin and flesh Above-average yields of uniformly round spuds with thin delicate skins, smooth creamy dark purple flesh, and super-high concentrations of cancer-fighting anthocyanins.
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purple skin, purple flesh Exceptionally rich color in these uniform small- to medium-sized tubers. Starchy enough for baking or mashing but firm enough to hold its shape in salads.
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Juglans nigra 70-90'. Spectacular shade tree with open rounded crown. Nuts have sweet earthy rich flavor. May begin to bear in 5-10 years. Z4.
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Three varieties for those with limited space and an expansive palate. Includes an early, a midseason and a fingerling potato.
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NPK: 3-4-6.1 By popular demand! A Fedco Blend formulated to meet the needs of field-grown (outdoor) fruiting Solanaceous crops: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatillos.
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An environmentally friendly alternative to plastic clamshells, these boxes are recyclable and compostable cardboard and they ship flat, so they are more fuel-efficient to move around.
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An environmentally friendly alternative to plastic clamshells, these boxes are recyclable and compostable cardboard and they ship flat, so they are more fuel-efficient to move around.
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An environmentally friendly alternative to plastic clamshells, these boxes are recyclable and compostable cardboard and they ship flat, so they are more fuel-efficient to move around.
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An environmentally friendly alternative to plastic clamshells, these boxes are recyclable and compostable cardboard and they ship flat, so they are more fuel-efficient to move around.
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Paeonia (Itoh) x 28-30" tall. Semi-double 10" white blooms with a splash of cranberry/purple/lavender at the center. Surrounding petals reflect a shadow of these hues like a tie-dyed halo. Yellow stamens. Z3.
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Coreopsis grandiflora Open-pollinated. Dense 18" plants loaded with 2" semi-double vivid golden-yellow blooms.
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