Oryza sativa (115 days from transplant) Open-pollinated. Upland short-grain hardy Russian variety adapted to dry-land production. Can withstand a light frost. May be direct seeded in warmer regions.
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Oryza sativa (115 days) Open-pollinated. Upland variety from Japan. This great-tasting short-grained brown rice is much easier to hull and process with human-powered equipment than other varieties. Does not require flooding.
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Oryza sativa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Short grain light brown rice, can work in Zone 5b in paddies from direct sowing but does best from transplants.
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Oryza sativa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Lowland variety from northern Japan. Pearly white short-grain sweet-sticky rice is great for mochi and fries well.
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