Alpine Poblano/Ancho - Organic
Hot Pepper

unavailable, no supply coming
Capsicum annuum (60 days green, 80 days red ripe ) Open-pollinated. A triumph of breeding work, these large uniform poblanos perform well in cold climates and also impressed us with big yields in Maine’s sea level Zone 5. read more


Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (78 days) Open-pollinated. Dark green to red 7" long tapered. Pungent, moderately hot; 900-2,500 Scovilles. Typical pepper for chiles rellenos. read more


Beaver Dam
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Red-orange 3x6" horn-shaped fruits taper to a blunt point. Sweet and mildly spicy; 500-1,000 Scovilles. Heirloom. read more


Beaver Dam - Organic
Hot Pepper

not available yet, check back later
Capsicum annuum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Red-orange 3x6" horn-shaped fruits taper to a blunt point. Sweet and mildly spicy; 500-1,000 Scovilles. Heirloom. read more


Bulgarian Carrot Chili
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Fluorescent orange 1.5x3.5" fruits look like tiny carrots. Prolific fruit set. Fruity and hot. 5,000-30,000 Scovilles. read more


Bulgarian Carrot Chili - Organic
Hot Pepper

currently on backorder
Capsicum annuum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Thin-walled 1½–3½" tapered fruits are as hot as they look and make welcome additions to chutneys, marinades, salsas, and hot sauces. Also delicious dried and ground. read more


Carrot Bomb - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (74 days) Open-pollinated. Round 1-2" shiny bright tangerine fruits on sturdy plants. Heat is comparable to a mild jalapeño, but varies with the weather. read more


Czech Black - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Black 2.5" long conical peppers ripen to lustrous garnet. Mild, juicy, thick-walled, a little less spicy than a jalapeño; 2,000-5,000 Scovilles. read more


Early Jalapeño
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (65 days green, 85 days ripe) Open-pollinated. Dark green 1x3" sausage-shaped blunt fruits. Brown netting appears as fruits ripen to dark red. Hot! 2,000 to 5,000 Scovilles. Early. read more


Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Shiny green ripens to blazing red in a small strawberry-shaped cherry-type. Sweet and spicy, 2,500-5,000 Scovilles. read more


Fish - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Striking color display, white with green stripes to orange with brown stripes, to red. 2" curving pendant form. 5,000-30,000 Scovilles. Attractive foliage. read more


Habanada - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (100 days) Open-pollinated. Shiny orange fruits are a bit longer than a habanero but they pull off the look. Bushy short plants bear about 2 dozen sweet—not hot— fruits. read more


Hidalgo Serrano - ECO
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (75 days) Open-pollinated. The 2½–3 x ½" bright scarlet fruits have thin walls and classic serrano heat. Perfect for fresh salsa, pickling and hot sauces read more


Hinkelhatz - Organic
Hot Pepper

not available yet, check back later
Capsicum annuum (88 days) Open-pollinated. This rare Pennsylvania Dutch heirloom packs considerable heat. Rarely eaten raw, the peppers were traditionally used for pickling and pepper vinegar. read more


Ho Chi Minh - ECO
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Bright yellow to orange, 4-5" long, finger-shaped cayenne. Good flavor; 30,000 Scovilles. Prolific. read more


Hungarian Hot Wax
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Smooth waxy yellow 1.5x5.5" tapered fruits ripen to orange then red. Semi-hot, 5,000-10,000 Scovilles. Early and prolific. read more


Jaluv An Attitude - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Thicker-skinned jalapeño-like fruits. Delicious hot fruity flavor; 2,500-8,000 Scovilles. Adapted to northern latitudes. read more


Long Red Narrow Cayenne
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Bright red, 5-6" long by 1/2" wide tapered and often curled. Hot, pungent; 3,500-5,000 Scovilles. Dries easily. Prolific. read more


Matchbox - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Pale green to deep scarlet 2" long, 1/3" wide. Hot! 30,000-50,000 Scovilles. Prolific. read more


Orange Habanero
Hot Pepper

Capsicum chinense (90 days) Open-pollinated. A Scotch Bonnet–type infamous for its extreme heat, their distinctive flavor makes them a key ingredient in West Indian jerk sauces. read more


San Joaquin Jalapeño
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (70 days green, 90 days red ripe) F-1 hybrid. Juicy, blocky, thick-walled jalapeños with the right amount of spice. read more


Some Like it Hot Blend
Hot Pepper

(64-90 days) Includes 5-7 different kinds in one packet. We'll mix colors, shapes and flavors. read more


Thai Hot - Organic
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (82 days) Open-pollinated. Tiny bright red 1" conical fruits stand erect from foliage. Very hot, 25,000-40,000 Scovilles. Pretty and prolific. read more


Trident Ancho/Poblano
Hot Pepper

Capsicum annuum (64 days green, 80 days red ripe) F-1 hybrid. Uniform glossy dark red fruits are mostly 2-lobed, flattened and tapering with a recessed stem. Known as Poblano when green. read more
