Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Soft primrose-cream blossoms with dark lilac bands at the edges. Long stems perfect for cutting. Lovely fragrance. 4–6' vines.
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Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Bred in 1898. Highly scented deep maroon flowers tolerant of heat. 5-6' vines.
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Lathyrus odoratus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Large luminous azure silky ruffled blossoms with fabulous perfume. 6–8' tall.
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Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Contains solids, bicolors, reverse bicolors, flakes and stripes in a wide array. Over 5' tall.
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Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Semi-dwarf 20" bush-type plants need no support, produce full-length stems. Mix includes chianti, pink, blue-violet and lavender.
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Lathyrus odoratus (75 days) Open-pollinated. Mixture of crimson, scarlet, white, lavender, deep rose, medium blue and pink. Long stems make ideal cutflowers. 4-6' staking variety.
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Lathyrus latifolius Open-pollinated. The traditional English cottage sweet pea. Shades of rose, white and pink in big clusters. Good cutflowers. Climbs 6'.
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Lathyrus odoratus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of blue, lavender, pink, purple, chocolate, orange and scarlet, streaked with white. Huge blossoms and great as a cutflower. Over 5' tall.
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