Cherry Belle Radish


Cherry Belle Radish

Raphanus raphanistrum subs. sativus
(25 days) Open-pollinated. A good smooth red-skinned bunching radish making balls ¾" across with firm white flesh. Some variation in our observation plots. 1949 AAS.

2214 Cherry Belle
Item Discounted
A: 1/8oz for $3.00   
B: 1/2oz for $4.00   
C: 1oz for $5.00   
D: 4oz for $7.50   
E: 1lb for $18.00   
K: 5lb for $64.00   
not available yet, check back later

Additional Information

Summer Radishes

About 1,800-3,200 seeds/oz.

A favorite for children’s gardens because quick and easy to grow with minimal fertility requirements.

Culture: Summer radishes may be sown almost as soon as the ground can be worked. Minimum germination temperature 40°, optimal range 55–85°. They emerge rapidly and grow quickly. Sow 1-2" apart, and thin to at least 2" for attractive uniform roots. Use row cover to protect from flea beetles. They develop more pungency in dry heat than in cool moist weather. Ready for harvest at about the size of a quarter and will rapidly get woody if allowed to grow much larger

Culinary: Parboil the greens and roots separately, then eat them together as very early spring salad. And the pot liquor, mmmm…


Days to maturity are from date of seeding

Disease: FY: Fusarium Yellows

Note: We cannot ship packets greater than ½ oz. (14 grams) of radishes into the Willamette Valley. The State of Oregon prohibits shipping any commercial quantity of untreated Brassica, Raphanus or Sinapis due to quarantine

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.