You are viewing all Fedco Trees products related to “shade trees.”

Juglans cinerea 40-60' x same. Very large impressive shade tree with broad open crown. Produces oblong edible nuts. Nice cabinet wood. Native. Z3. read more


American Chestnut
Castanea dentata Up to 100'. Once common in the eastern US. Important food source for people and wildlife. Not immune to blight but likely to thrive 10-30 years. Fast growing and precocious. Z4. read more


Chinese Chestnut Seedling
Castanea mollissima 40-60' x same. Genetically unique seedlings usually produce good-to-excellent nuts in 5-7 years. Resistant to chestnut blight. Z4. read more


Hybrid Chestnut Seedling
Castanea 40-60' x 30-40'. Hybrid crosses of mixed parentage. Parent trees show excellent blight resistance. Begins flowering at 3-5 years. Great flavor, high annual nut production. Z4. read more


Shagbark Hickory

Carya 70-90' × 50-70'. Straight trunked with shaggy bark and branches that curve up at the tips. Bears sweet edible nuts in 40 years. Z4. read more


Shellbark Hickory

Carya laciniosa 60-80' × 40-60'. Tall nut tree of bottomlands and floodplains. Resembles shagbark hickory but with less shaggy bark. Native. Z5. read more


Black Walnut
Juglans nigra 70-90'. Spectacular shade tree with open rounded crown. Nuts have sweet earthy rich flavor. May begin to bear in 5-10 years. Z4. read more


Carpathian Walnut
Juglans regia 30-50' × 40'. Very large fast-growing tree with edible nuts. Bears in 5–7 years. Almost tropical looking. Z4. read more



Juglans ailantifolia var. ‘Cordiforis’ Easy-to-crack shells and sweet heart-shaped nuts. Used like English walnuts. Bears around 5-10 years. Z4/5. read more


Prairie Expedition American Elm
Shade Tree

sold out
Ulmus americana 60' x 35-40'. New selection from a lone survivor wild specimen surrounded by other trees that had succumbed to the fatal disease. Further studies at U Minn confirmed its excellent resistance. Z3. read more


Princeton American Elm
Shade Tree

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Ulmus americana 60x70'. Large graceful shade tree with high resistance to disease. Immense vase-shaped canopy. Z4. read more


Valley Forge
American Elm - Shade Tree

Ulmus americana 60-70' x 50-60'. Large fast-growing graceful native shade tree with long loose branches. Disease-resistant cultivar. Z4. read more


Paper Birch
Shade Tree

Betula papyrifera 30-70' x 30'. Medium-sized tree with magnificent chalk-white peeling bark. Valuable wood. Bark used for traditional crafts. Z3. read more


River Birch
Shade Tree

low stock
Betula nigra 60-80' x 40-60' Very large graceful rounded tree with beautiful bark. Foliage yellows before dropping. Fast growing, trouble free. Z4. read more


Shade Tree

Ginkgo biloba 50-80'. Slow-growing, long-lived tree with unique fan-shaped foliage. Leaf tea used medicinally. Very adaptable and tolerant. Minimal maintenance required. Z5. read more


Shade Tree

Gleditsia triacanthos 50' x 30-35'. Beautiful fast-growing nitrogen-fixing tree. Good for erosion control. Tolerates drought, pollution, salt, disease and insects. Z4. read more


American Linden
Shade Tree

Tilia americana 60-80' x same. Tall stately tree with rounded crown and low-hung spreading branches. Sweetly fragrant yellow June flowers. Z3. read more


Sugar Maple
Shade Tree

Acer saccharum 50-100'. Largest of our native maples. Colorful fall foliage. Valued for shade, syrup and lumber. Boil sap to make real maple syrup. Z3. read more


Bur Oak
Shade Tree

Quercus macrocarpa 70-80' x same. Hardiest of the white oaks with a deeply grooved massive trunk and a wide-spreading crown. Dark green foliage. Large fringed acorns. Z3. read more


Northern Red Oak
Shade Tree

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Quercus rubra 60-75' x 45'. The most common oak in northern New England. Magnificent open rounded crown. Fast growing. Tolerant of different conditions. Z4. read more


Swamp White Oak
Shade Tree

Quercus bicolor 50-60' x same. Massive rounded shade tree with short deeply ridged trunk and fan of branches. Yellow to reddish-purple fall foliage. Native. Z3. read more


White Oak
Shade Tree

Quercus alba 50-80' x same. Spectacular broad irregularly rounded oak. Wood valued for lumber and firewood. Slow growing and long-lived. Z3. read more


Shade Tree

Liquidambar styraciflua 60-80' x 40-60'. Delightful star-shaped leaves and hard round prickly gumball-like “fruit”. Colorful fall display. Native from CT into Mexico. Z5. read more


American Sycamore
Shade Tree

Plantanus occidentalis 75-100' x same. Extraordinary native shade tree. Trunks and stems are strikingly mottled. Remarkable against the winter sky. Z4/5. read more


Shade Tree

Liriodendron tulipifera 60-90' x 30-50'. Also called Tulip Poplar. Highly ornamental shade tree. Large tulip-like flowers attract hummingbirds. Native to eastern U.S. Z4/5. read more


Shade Tree

Nyssa sylvatica 40-85' x 20-30'. Medium-sized deciduous tree produces fruits that feed migrating birds. Vibrant fall colors. Can live up to 650 years! Z4. read more


Chrysocoma Golden Weeping Willow
Shade Tree

Salix pendulina f. salamonii 50x50'. The classic weeping willow. Very large majestic graceful wide-spreading tree with golden drooping branches. Attracts loads of pollinators. Z3. read more
