You are viewing all Fedco Trees products related to “Perennial Plants.”

Chives - Organic
Allium - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Allium schoenoprasm 12" tall. Edible spreading groundcover. Good to eat from early spring to heavy frost. Aromatic pest confuser, emitting bitter aromas that deter critters from the garden. Full to part sun. Z3. read more


Nodding Onion - Organic
Allium - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

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Allium cernuum 12" tall. Starry umbels of loosely clustered lavender-pink and sometimes white blossoms nod toward the ground. Flat narrow leaf blades can be used like chives. Z4. read more


Arnica chamissonis - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

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Arnica chamissonis 8-12" tall. Low spreading groundcover with bright yellow daisy-like flowers used externally in oils and salves to treat bruises, sprains, inflammation. Z3. read more


Chinese Milk Vetch - Organic
Astragalus - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

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Astragalus membranaceus 18-36" tall. Deep-rooted leguminous plant forms an upright bush with small whitish-yellow flowers. Important Chinese medicinal known to rebuild the immune system. Z4. read more


‘Panorama Reds’ - Organic
Bee Balm - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Monarda didyma 3-4' tall. Fabulous blooms in a diverse range of red shades destined to attract scads of butterflies and hummingbirds. Z3. read more


Wild Bergamot - Organic
Bee Balm - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Monarda fistulosa 2-4' tall. Our native wildflower species with aromatic lavender blossoms. This is the variety most commonly used for medicinal purposes. Z3. read more


Boneset - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

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Eupatorium perfoliatum 5-7' tall. Flat-topped clusters of white to lavender flowerheads. Stimulates the immune system. Fetching addition to the perennial border. Z3. read more


‘Bocking 14’ Russian Comfrey - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

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Symphytum × uplandicum 24–48" tall. Great companion plant for orchards. Excellent addition to the compost pile. Rich in silica, nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron. Z3. read more


Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Symphytum officinale 24-48" tall. Clusters of pinkish purple flowers above bristled foliage. Known for skin-soothing properties. Recommended as an orchard companion. Z3. read more


Purple Coneflower
Echinacea - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Echinacea purpurea 3-5' tall. Spiny seedheads are a beautiful coppery yellow-brown, surrounded by a single row of reflexed lavender-purple petals. Tinctured roots boost the immune system. Z3. read more


Yellow Coneflower - Organic
Echinacea - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Echinacea paradoxa 3-5' tall. Bright pure-yellow flowers with drooping petals surround spiky dark brown seed cones—irresistible to gobbling goldfinches! Z3. read more


Lavender - Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Lavandula angustifolia 16-18" tall. Considered the hardiest lavender. Sweet-scented flower spikes with light lavender flowers. Z4. read more


Lemon Balm - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Melissa officinalis 24" tall. Lemony leaves are delicious in teas, salads, with fruit or dried for sachets. Attracts pollinators. Z3/4. read more


Marshmallow - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Althaea officinalis 5-8' tall. Beautiful towering medicinal plant. Leaves, flowers and mucilagenous roots are used to soothe mucous membranes. Z4. read more


Chocolate Mint - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Mentha piperita 18-24" tall. Our favorite mint! Bright refreshing peppermint-patty flavor. Freshen your breath, settle your stomach and scent soaps and salves. Z4. read more


Mountain Mint - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Pycnanthemum virginianum 30" tall. Makes a tasty minty tea traditionally used to settle indigestion. Spreads readily. Densely flowered, attracts pollinators. Native. Z4. read more


Stinging Nettle - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

sold out
Urtica dioica 3-6' tall. Young shoots are high in minerals and leaves are delicious steamed as early spring greens. Cooking removes the sting. Spreads readily; choose your site carefully. Z2. read more


Oregano - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Origanum vulgare 18" tall. Low-growing perennial with fragrant green and purple leaves used for culinary purposes. Given plenty space in full sun, it will sprawl and attract many pollinators. Z4. read more


Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Acorus americanus 24-36" tall. Water-loving bog plant with broad sword-like foliage that smells sweetly of citrus and vanilla when crushed. Roots traditionally used as an aromatic bitter for digestive upsets. Z3. read more


German Winter Thyme - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

sold out
Thymus vulgaris 10-15" tall. Fragrant sprawling perennial brings depth of flavor to soups, gravies, casseroles. Said to calm the nerves, soothe headaches. Bees love it! Z4. read more


Blue Vervain - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Verbena hastata 5-7' tall. Elegant tall branching spikes of vibrant blue-purple flowers. Attracts pollinators. Commonly used as a nervous-system tonic and mild sedative. Full sun. Native to North America. Z3. read more


Common Blue Violet - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Viola sororia 6-10" tall. North American native with cheery blue-purple flowers and attractive heart-shaped leaves, all edible. Larval host plant for multiple species of butterflies. Z3. read more


Yarrow - Organic
Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Achillea millefolium 24" tall. A natural anti-inflammatory, cold remedy and fever reducer. White flowers June to September. Excellent orchard companion. Z3. read more


Asparagus - Garden Roots

Asparagus officinalis High-yielding good-quality tender green spears are long-lived and very cold hardy. On the rise as an excellent replacement for Jersey, even outproducing Jersey in northern Minnesota trials! Z3. read more


‘Little Sapphire’ Flowering Onion
Allium - Perennial Plant

Allium 12" tall. Adds rugged charm and vertical structure to herb and rock gardens. Attracts beneficial insects with its sweet nectar yet repels an array of slithery, winged and legged pests. Z4. read more


Butterfly Weed
Asclepias - Perennial Plant

Asclepias tuberosa Vivid tangerine-orange clusters of flowers in summer atop slender fuzzy stems, covered with green lance-shaped leaves. 24" tall. Z4. read more


Swamp Red Milkweed - Organic
Asclepias - Perennial Plant

Asclepias incarnata 5' tall. Unique flat-topped clusters of upturned red-rose-colored flowers. Long willow-like leaves. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Native. Z3. read more


Swamp Red Milkweed
Asclepias - Perennial Plant

Asclepias incarnata 5' tall. Unique flat-topped clusters of upturned red-rose-colored flowers. Long willow-like leaves. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Native. Z3. read more


New England Aster - Organic
Perennial Plant

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 4-6' tall. North American native. Blooms range from blue-purple to lavender-pink with yellow eyes. Z3. read more


Smooth Blue Aster - Organic
Perennial Plant

Symphyotrichum laeve 3-4' tall. North American native has Loose clusters of lavender-blue blossoms with yellow eyes. Smooth blue-green foliage. Provides important late-season nectar to hungry pollinators. Z3. read more


Blue False Indigo - Organic
Baptisia - Perennial Plant

Baptisia australis 3-4' x same. Vibrant blue lupine-like flowers in early summer. Bushy habit and shrub-like structure once mature. Good for erosion control. Z3. read more


Foxglove Beardtongue - Organic
Perennial Plant

Penstemon digitalis 3' tall. Beckon the birds and bees to your garden with these white to light pink spires covered with nodding tubular bell-shaped flowers. Z3. read more


Hairy Beardtongue - Organic
Perennial Plant

Penstemon hirsutus 16-30" tall. Shorter than P. digitalis, with fuzzy stems topped by clusters of slender tubular nodding 1" lavender flowers with arching white lips. Z3. read more


Bleeding Heart - Perennial Plant

Dicentra formosa 15" tall. Heart-shaped blossoms dangle from long leafless stems. With consistent moisture, the lacy blue-green foliage stays good-looking all season long. Blooms in late spring. Z3. read more


Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart
Perennial Plant

Dicentra spectabilis 30-36" tall. Distinctive heart-shaped flowers dangle in a row on each raceme like charms on a bracelet. A classic! Z3. read more


Willow-leaf Bluestar - Organic
Perennial Plant

Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia 30" tall. Fine grassy willow-like foliage. Clusters of powder-blue star-shaped florets bloom in early June. Best planted en masse. Adaptable but performs best in full sun to part shade. Z3. read more


Walker’s Low Catmint
Perennial Plant

Nepeta × faassenii 2-3' tall, despite its name. Aromatic grey-green foliage with long arching stems topped by lavender-blue flowers. Attracts pollinators. Z3. read more


Wild Columbine - Organic
Perennial Plant

Aquilegia canadensis 12-24" tall. This eastern North American native features delicate red-spurred sepals with yellow petaled skirts. Blooms late May to early June. Irresistible to hummingbirds! Z3. read more


Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 30" tall. Intensely fragrant trumpet-shaped lemon-yellow flowers. Widely planted on old farmsteads in Maine. A must-have in the naturalized perennial border. Midsummer blooms. Z2. read more


‘Kansas Kitten’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 22" tall. Fragrant 5" blossom has ruffled slightly reflexed purple-lavender petals with a dash of magenta. This rebloomer is worth showcasing up front in the perennial garden. Z2. read more


‘Night Beacon’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 27" tall. Radiant raspberry-purple blossoms with luminous lemon-yellow throat. 4½'" flowers light up the landscape with showstopping color. Early to midseason rebloomer. Z2. read more


‘Purple de Oro’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 18-24" tall. Broad ruffle-edged petals form 3" flowers. Continuous blooming tendencies and compact habit make this Stella-family member excellent for containers as well as the garden. Z2. read more


‘Rocket City’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 36" tall. Fragrant 6" bright glowing orange blossoms with bittersweet copper eye zones. Excellent landscape variety. Extended bloom, flowers remain open for at least 16 hours. Z2. read more


‘Ruby Stella’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 14-18" tall.

Dark ruby flowers with deep wine-red markings, a striking yellow-bordered greenish throat, and red anthers for

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‘Primal Scream’
Daylily - Perennial Plant

Hemerocallis 24" tall. Let this daylily keep you company as you scream into the void. Giant glowing tangerine blossoms with apple-green throats. Early to midseason blooms. Z2. read more


Leatherwood Fern
Perennial Plant

Dryopteris marginalis 24" tall. Strong stems and slightly glossy leathery grey-green fronds make this one of the best ferns for floral arrangements. Evergreen leaves live through winter. Z3. read more


Royal Fern
Perennial Plant

Osmunda regalis Soft and wavy deciduous lance-shaped light green fronds can reach 3' long. Very showy. Reaches up to 6' tall and more than 9' wide at maturity. Z2. read more


‘Coral Sunset’
Garden Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia lactiflora 28" tall. Intense sunset coral with rose overtones and fluffy golden stamens. Semi-double. Early season. Light fragrance and long vase life. Z3. read more


‘Festiva Maxima’
Garden Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia lactiflora 3' tall. Heavenly scented large double white flowers with a light crimson drizzle upon the central petals. Flowers late spring to early summer. Z3. read more


Garden Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia lactiflora Late midseason. 34" tall. Fully double type. Dark sensational burgundy red is unusual and arresting. Pairs well with any color. Sturdy stems make a great cutflower. Heirloom! Z3. read more


‘Nippon Beauty’
Garden Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia lactiflora 24" tall. Single anemone-type with scarlet-red guard petals surrounding fringed red and gold petaloid centers. Unique and hard-to-find variety. Early-midseason blooms. Z3. read more


‘Sarah Bernhardt’
Garden Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia lactiflora 36" tall. Fragrant flowers open with narrow red lines shot onto light rose-pink. One of our favorites! Z3. read more


‘Top Brass’
Garden Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia lactiflora 28" tall. Double bomb type. Pure white guard petals under a tuft of bright yellow petals topped with pink-white petaloids. Jazzy and dazzling. Mild fragrance. Midseason. Z3. read more


‘Max Frei’ Bloody Cranesbill
Geranium - Perennial Plant

Geranium sanguinium 4-9" tall. Magenta cups with purple-blue anthers cover tidy deep green lacy foliage. Compact form works well in containers. Considered more drought tolerant than others in the genus. Z3. read more


Geranium - Perennial Plant

Geranium pratense 20–24" tall. Lush groundcover with sapphire-blue flowers. Attracts beneficial insects. Not the “geranium” you’re thinking of! Z4. read more


Spotted Cranesbill
Geranium - Perennial Plant

Geranium maculatum 24" tall. Also called Wild Geranium. Clusters of single 1¼" wide pinkish-lilac saucer-shaped flowers. Attracts beneficial insects. Native. Z4. read more


‘Blue Glow’ Blue Globe Thistle
Perennial Plant

Echinops bannaticus 3-4' tall. Luminous 1½" steel-blue spiky globes balance atop stiff stems with deeply divided silvery green leaves. Blooms July to August. Z3. read more


Globeflower Sunshine Mix
Perennial Plant

Trollius 24" tall. We are crazy about Trollius. The fancy petal-filled flowers (like big overgrown hyper-selected buttercups) seem miraculous blooming so early in the season. Excellent for cutting. Z3. read more


Stiff Goldenrod - Organic
Perennial Plant

Oligoneuron rigidum 2-5' tall. The gorgeous yellow-gold vibrancy of goldenrod packed into a dense, showy, flat-topped cluster. Attractive lush slate-green foliage. Z3. read more


‘Dream Queen’
Hosta - Perennial Plant

Hosta 18" tall and 26" wide. Distinctive puckered heart-shaped leaves have broad blue-green margins with a solid green detail next to buttery yellow centers. Z3. read more


Hosta - Perennial Plant

Hosta 22–24" tall, scapes to 36". Pale lavender flowers are large and fragrant, but the leaves are the main attraction. Rapid grower with good sun tolerance. Colors intensify in light. Z3. read more


‘Tootie Mae’
Hosta - Perennial Plant

Hosta 18" tall and 36" wide. Rounded heavily corrugated blue leaves with wide chartreuse margins. White flowers smoked with lavender. Holds its margin color well through the season. Z3. read more


‘Velvet Moon’
Hosta - Perennial Plant

Hosta 24" tall and 36" wide. Bright golden-yellow leaves with striking dark green centers. Grows well in both shade and full sun! Z3. read more


Northern Blue Flag - Organic
Iris - Perennial Plant

Iris versicolor 30-36" tall. Northeastern native species with gorgeous blue-violet flowers with bold purple veining and a white and lemon-yellow blaze. Early. Z2. read more


‘Cora Louise’
Itoh Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia (Itoh) x 28-30" tall. Semi-double 10" white blooms with a splash of cranberry/purple/lavender at the center. Surrounding petals reflect a shadow of these hues like a tie-dyed halo. Yellow stamens. Z3. read more


‘Julia Rose’
Itoh Peony - Perennial Plant

Paeonia (Itoh) x 30-36" tall. Cherry-red buds open to 8" fragrant semi-double orange-apricot-pink flowers with subtle purple edging. Blossoms eventually fade to yellow. Z3. read more


Perennial Plant

Arisaema triphyllum 12–24" tall. Magical Northeastern woodland native prefers dappled shade and moist rich woodland soil. Appears midspring. Z3. read more


Hollow Stem Joe Pye Weed - Organic
Perennial Plant

Eutrochium fistulosum 6' tall. Dusky-rose flowers are held on beautiful wine-red stems dusted with a light purplish bloom. More adaptable to heat and drought than the other species we’re offering. Z4. read more


Spotted Joe Pye Weed - Organic
Perennial Plant

Eutrochium maculatum 4-7' tall. Whimsical flat-topped terminal flower clusters bloom mid-July into August. Seed clusters add unique interest to the winter landscape. Attracts pollinators. Z4. read more


Sweet Joe Pye Weed - Organic
Perennial Plant

Eutrochium purpureum 4-6' tall. Massive vanilla-scented pinkish-purple domed flowers are held atop sturdy green stems with whorls of 4 to 5 sharply serrated leaves. Often found in average to dry woodland edges. Z3. read more


Floristan White Blazing Star
Liatris - Perennial Plant

Liatris spicata 30-36" tall. Dreamy white flower wands above fine grass-like foliage. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3. read more


Prairie Blazing Star - Organic
Liatris - Perennial Plant

Liatris pycnostachya 20-30" tall. North American native with tall brilliant purple wands loved by butterflies. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3. read more


Purple Blazing Star
Liatris - Perennial Plant

Liatris spicata 20-30" tall. Magenta-purple flower spikes above fine grass-like foliage. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3. read more


Can’t Gild This - Asiatic Lily Mix
Perennial Plant

24-36" with a few up to 48" tall. Jaw-dropping beauty with dramatic outlines and edging that add flare and fiesta to your garden. Blooms mid-June through July. Z3. Fedco exclusive! read more


Here’s Looking at You Kid - Oriental Lily Mix
Perennial Plant

Fedco exclusive! 30-48" tall.

While we disagree that classic film is improved by colorization, this flower collection jumps off the silver screen

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‘Mrs. Moon Lungwort’
Perennial Plant

Pulmonaria 9-12" tall and eventually up to 2' wide. Periwinkle-blue buds open to pink flowers in spring. Large slate-green leaves with silver-white splotches. Woodland plant. Z3. read more


‘Burgundy Manor’
Masterwort - Perennial Plant

Astrantia 24-28". Clump-forming perennial makes an excellent groundcover when planted en masse. Makes long-lasting cutflowers and is also a great container plant. Z4. read more


English Monkshood
Perennial Plant

Aconitum napellus 36-40" tall. Classic deep violet-blue monkshood. Delphinium-style blooms on dense showy spikes. Excellent cutflower. Attracts pollinators. Z3. read more


Oriental Poppy - Perennial Plant

Papaver orientale 20-30" tall. Surely named after one of the three Greek Graces, Aglaea, which means something like ‘festive radiance.’ Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. Z3. read more


‘Little Patty’s Plum’
Oriental Poppy - Perennial Plant

Papaver orientale 10-15" tall. Dusky damson-plum–colored blossoms. A short version of the original Patty’s Plum poppy, a compost-pile surprise discovered in the 1990s. Z3. read more


‘High Roller’ Red Hot Poker
Perennial Plant

Kniphofia uvaria 24" tall. A tropical-looking riot of fiery red-orange fading to coral and soft white tubular inflorescences. Breathtaking and playful. Makes an unusual accent in cutflower arrangements. Z5/6. read more


Russian Sage
Perennial Plant

Perovskia atriplicifolia 36-48" tall. Slender spires of lavender-blue tubular flowers midsummer. Finely divided grey-green leaves are aromatic when crushed. Z4/5. read more


Blue Sage - Organic
Salvia - Perennial Plant

Salvia azurea 3-5' tall. North American native with delicate spires of sky-blue tubular double-lipped flowers and sweetly scented foliage. Incredible in mixed bouquets. Blooms from August to October. Z4. read more


Hens & Chicks Mix
Sempervivum - Perennial Plant

Sempervivum Low-growing rosette-forming succulents produce runners and babies. Drought and heat tolerant. Cold-hardy too! Colorful mix of reds, greens and purples. Z3. read more


‘A Capella’
Siberian Iris - Perennial Plant

Iris sibirica 26" tall. Mid-late to very late season. 2–3 blooms per stem in shades of rosy-violet and red-blue with small white signals that fan out blue to fine white edging. Bred in Maine. Z2. read more


‘Harpswell Happiness’
Siberian Iris - Perennial Plant

Iris sibirica 32" tall. Bred by legendary Maine hybridizer Currier McEwen in shades of creamy white with accents of yellow-green and buttery yellow. Early midseason to late. Z3. read more


‘Orville Fay’
Siberian Iris - Perennial Plant

Iris sibirica 36" tall. From Maine hybridizer Currier McEwen. Sweet and simple, an elegant companion to the other two Siberian irises we are offering. The first tetraploid cultivar. Z3. read more


Gold Sneezeweed - Organic
Perennial Plant

Helenium autumnale 4-5' tall. Rich and blazing yellow lends itself to a vibrant end-of-summer display. Easy to grow, excellent cutflower. Z3. read more


Hoary Vervain - Organic
Perennial Plant

Verbena stricta 12-48" tall. North American native. Attracts scads of pollinators, most notably the Buckeye butterfly. Birds will devour the seeds! Blooms June through August. Z3. read more


Canadian Wild Ginger
Perennial Plant

Asarum canadense 6–12" tall. Heart-shaped leaves up to 7" wide spread into a beautiful groundcover. Aromatic roots used medicinally. Needs shade. Z3. read more


‘Blue Moon’
Woodland Phlox - Perennial Plant

Phlox divaritica 12-18" tall. Sweet lavender-blue florets that will make you wonder where they’ve been all your life. Z3. read more


‘May Breeze’
Woodland Phlox - Perennial Plant

Phlox divaritica 2-15" tall. Loose clusters of cool pale bluish-white or white washed with blue florets. Selected for compactness, fragrance and refreshing color. Z3. read more


‘New Vintage Violet’
Yarrow - Perennial Plant

Achillea millefolium 24-28" tall. Charming bright magenta-violet flower clusters. Sturdy and upright, sports its vibrant color for a long bloom season, even in the heat. read more


‘Oertel’s Rose’
Yarrow - Perennial Plant

Achillea millefolium 12–15" tall. Deep rose-pink flower clusters. Well-behaved, not messy or floppy like some taller yarrow varieties. Z3. read more


Yarrow - Perennial Plant

Achillea millefolium 18-36" tall. Handsome bright red flowerheads. Each tiny blossom within the cluster has a sunny yellow center. Draws a crowd when we have friends over for barbecue. Z3. read more
