Northern Red Oak


Northern Red Oak

Quercus rubra 60-75' x 45'

The most common oak in northern New England. Typically a single large trunk dividing into several large ascending spreading branches. While the branches are not as massive as some of the other oaks, its open rounded crown is magnificent. The trunk is a deep grey textured web of surfaces overlaid one upon another. Sharply toothed foliage turns orange-tan during apple season.

Fast growing, up to 2' per year. Prefers well-drained sandy slightly acid soils; red oaks we planted in shallow ledgy ground are thriving. Tolerates shade, compacted soil, salt, pollution and other urban conditions. Native to eastern North America. Z4. (1–3' bare-root trees)

446 Northern Red Oak
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446 A: 1 for $18.00
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Many oaks are native to New England. Contrary to much of the literature, all acorns are edible, both reds and whites. Oaks are monoecious so you need only one to get acorns.

For more info:
About Oaks