You are viewing all Fedco Trees products related to “Pear.”
Pyrus communis Fall. Medium-large pear with yellowish skin and a slight reddish blush. A superior dessert pear. Highly ornamental tree. Z3/4.
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Pyrus communis Winter. Intensely sweet highly aromatic tender storage pear; possibly the best eating of all winter pears. Similar to Seckel. Keeps extremely well. Z4.
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Pyrus communis Late Summer-Early Fall. Large fruit is buttery, tender and very juicy. Productive vigorous trees are hardy and disease resistant. Z5.
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Pyrus communis Mid-Late Summer. Very high-quality dessert pear. Juicy, sugary, aromatic flesh. Productive vigorous grower. Z4.
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Pyrus communis Summer. Very tasty soft-fleshed dessert pear. The earliest-ripening variety we know. Does not keep, enjoy it while it’s here. Z4.
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Pyrus communis Late Fall-Winter. Frankendorf, Germany. Coarse flesh, good flavor. Great storage pear. Can keep until April in the root cellar. Z4.
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Pyrus communis Fall. Medium-sized fruit with blemish-free skin. Buttery juicy flesh with some grain & grit. Vigorous, productive, upright trees hardy & long lived. Z4.
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Pyrus communis Midsummer. Sweet dessert and canning pear. Eat them fresh, can them in quarters, and juice the rest. Fireblight-free. Z3.
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Pyrus communis Fall. Medium-sharp Ancient perry pear. Juice has medium acid and tannin and “affords a Perry of the greatest excellence with a sweet rich distinctive flavour.” Also good in blends. Z4.
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This is a twig for grafting.
Summer. Medium-sized fruit with buttery aromatic juicy flesh. Grower Mark Fulford says it’s the “most like nectar” of the 40 varieties he’s grown. Keeps for a month. Z4.
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This is a twig for grafting.
Summer. Very tasty soft-fleshed dessert pear. The earliest-ripening variety we know. Does not keep, enjoy it while it’s here. Z4.
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This is a twig for grafting.
Late Fall-Winter. Frankendorf, Germany. Coarse flesh, good flavor. Great storage pear. Can keep until April in the root cellar. Z4.
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