Sylvetta Wild Arugula


Sylvetta Wild Arugula

Diplotaxis erucoides
(21 days baby, 50 days mature) Open-pollinated. Also known as Rucola Selvatica, a must for extraordinary cold-season salads. A wild form of arugula, very deeply lobed dark green narrow leaves grow steadily, reaching 3" in 3 weeks, the perfect length for a 7" salad plate. Nutty, sweet, crisp and moderately spicy, Sylvetta grows foliage right to the rib base, no stem to trim. Please your restaurant accounts with this beautifully uniform arugula strain. Slower growing, smaller and more pungent than regular arugula. Out-competed eight other commercial-production strains in our summer endurance trial. Highly recommended for market farmers and gardeners alike. Eliot Coleman lists it as one of his winter staples in The Winter Harvest Handbook. ~110,000 seeds/oz. Cold-hardy.

3027 Sylvetta Wild
Item Discounted
A: 1/16oz for $3.00   
B: 1/8oz for $4.50   
C: 1/2oz for $9.25   
D: 1oz for $13.00   
sold out
E: 4oz for $42.00   
sold out
K: 1lb for $130.00   
sold out

Additional Information


About 11,700-15,000 seeds/oz. 116 oz packet sows 60 ft; 1 oz sows 960 ft. Also known as Roquette or Rocket. Musky green and its piquant blossoms will spice up your salad.

Culture: Prefers cool temperatures; direct seed as early as possible in spring. Optimum germination temp 40–55°. Bolts in heat; avoid the heat and grow as a fall crop, or make succession plantings every 1-2 weeks. Use row covers to discourage flea beetles. Let part of a spring crop go to seed and get a self-sown September and October patch that is delicious and has no flea beetle damage! A prime ingredient in tangy mesclun mixes. Frequent watering will reduce its pungency. Suitable for microgreens.

Saving Seed: Saving arugula seed is easy! Let your spring sowing of arugula bolt. The flowers develop into narrow seed pods. Once pods dry on the stems, they can be easily broken open for seed.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.