5809 Wildflower Mix

Our Wildflower mix comes to us pre-blended, see a detailed table of contents below!
Latin name Common name Plant type Height Color(s) Season
Achillea millefolium White Yarrow P 18-36" White S
Aster novae angliae New England Aster A 24-36" Purple F
Centaurea cyanus Cornflower (Bachelor's Button) A 24-48" Mixed S
Cheiranthus allionii Siberian Wallflower P 10-18" Orange SP
Chrysanthemum maximum Shasta Daisy P 16-24" White S
Coreopsis lanceolata Lance-Leaved Coreopsis P 18-36" Yellow S-F
Delphinium ajacis Rocket Larkspur A 12-36" White/Pink/Blue/Violet S
Dianthus barbatus Sweet William P 12-24" White/Pink/Red S
Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower P 24-36" Purple S
Gaillardia pulchella Gaillardia A 12-24" Yellow-Red S
Gypsophila elegans Annual Baby's Breath A 8-18" White S
Liatris spicata Gayfeather (Blazing Stars) P 24-48" Purple S-F
Linaria maroccana Spurred Snapdragon A 18-24" Pink/Yellow/Violet SP-S
Linum grandiflorum rubrum Scarlet Flax A 12-36" Scarlet S
Lupinus perennis Lupine P 12-36" Blue SP-S
Oenothera lamarckiana Evening Primrose P 24-60" Yellow S
Papaver rhoeas Corn Poppy A 12-30" White/Pink/Red S
Rudbeckia hirta Black-Eyed Susan A/B/P 12-36" Yellow S-F
Silene armeria Catchfly A/B 16-22" Pink S
TYPE legend

A: Annual (45% of the mix)
P: Perennial (48% of the mix)
B: Biennial (7% of the mix)

SEASON legend

SP: Spring
S: Summer
F: Fall