Morus hybrid 30x20' Cold hardy northern selection similar to Illinois Everbearing with larger fruit that ripens 2 weeks earlier. Very productive trees are great when you need a lot of fruit at once. Z4.
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Morus hybrid 30x20'. One of the hardiest mulberries! Tasty medium-sized fruit ripens over several weeks in midsummer. Self-fruitful grafted cultivar. Its mother tree is now more than 170 years old. Z3.
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Castanea 40-60' x 30-40'. Hybrid crosses of mixed parentage. Parent trees show excellent blight resistance. Begins flowering at 3-5 years. Great flavor, high annual nut production. Z4.
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Corylus spp. 8-12' × same. Hybrid crosses of mixed parentage, including European hazelnut. Nuts will likely be larger than those from other seedlings. Highly resistant or immune to filbert blight. Z3.
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Prunus persica Late Summer. Rich yellow juicy sweet flesh is very firm and meaty but tender. Tastes like an apricot. Recommended for cooking and fresh eating. Low spreading vigorous tree. Rare in the trade. Z3.
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Prunus spp. Mid-Late Summer. Large red-purple plums with translucent yellow-orange tart flesh. Clingstone. Good fresh eating or canning. Bears reliably. Z3.
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Prunus spp. Late Summer. Roundish tender thin-skinned yellow plum sometimes blushed with a little pink. Tender yellow juicy flesh. Freestone. Z3/4.
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Prunus spp. Mid-Late Summer. Rare! Meaty amber flesh with notes of papaya and caramel. Semi-freestone and crack resistant. Highly vigorous growth. Z4.
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Prunus spp. Midsummer. Purple-red fruit with yellow-bleeding-to-red firm flesh. Excellent fresh eating. Seems plenty hardy once established with good pest and disease resistance. Z4/5.
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Prunus spp. Late Summer. Medium-small high-quality sweet-fleshed American plum seedling. Totally freestone. Excellent pollinator for hybrids. Z3.
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Prunus spp. Late Summer. Large deep red plum with a golden blush. Juicy yellow flesh, excellent sweet flavor. Skin peels easily. Clingstone. Z3.
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Prunus spp. Midsummer. Sweet chin-dribbling light-yellow translucent flesh is so juicy it might soak your shirt. Broadly spreading picturesque tree tops off at only 10 or 12'. Z5.
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Prunus spp. Midsummer. Medium-to-large 2" dull red fruit. Firm sweet juicy golden-yellow semi-freestone flesh, very good for eating and cooking. Z3.
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