Mount Royal European Plum


Mount Royal European Plum

Prunus domestica Late. Chance seedling, Outremont, Québec, before 1903. Popular plum in Québec and the northern U.S. for many years. Also called Mont-Royal. Discovered near Montréal in the mid-19th century.

Bears abundant annual crops of medium-sized roundish dark purple fruit. Often considered the sweetest of the European plums. The flesh is greenish-yellow, juicy and firm. Use fresh, dried, frozen, canned and in preserves.

Medium-sized tree is open with good crotch angles and requires only moderate pruning. Z3. (3-6' bare-root trees) Limited supply!

335 Mount Royal
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335 A: 1 for $38.50 ($30.80)
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Additional Information

European Plums

Although European plums are self-pollinating, planting two different varieties will improve pollination. (Will not pollinate hybrid plums.) Mature trees are 15–20', or smaller. Space 20' apart.

For more info:
About Plums