Northern Aroostook County fruit growers Steve and Barb Miller introduced Burgundy to us as Barb’s favorite cooking apple. Striking for its large (3") size and glossy purplish-red roundish fruit. Waves and rays of red in the firm juicy flesh. Strong distinctive aroma and a pleasantly unique flavor with a tart zingy aftertaste. One taste tester said, “Wow, hey, that’s really different!” Steve said, “It reaches out and grabs you!” Makes an aromatic well-balanced early cider.
Bears annually, and fruit hangs on for extended picking. Stores about two months. Recommended for all northern districts. Extremely hardy. Blooms late. Z3. (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees; semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)
7210 Burgundy
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