Malus spp.
Hardy Russian seedling rootstock for full-sized “standard” apple trees. The hardiest rootstock we offer. Space trees 20-30' apart. Z3.
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Malus spp.
Our standard Antonovka rootstock in a JUMBO caliper: ½-¾" up to 1". For those interested in cleft or bark grafting. Not suitable for whip-and-tongue grafting. Z3.
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Malus spp.
Also called Bud 118 or B118. Semi-dwarf apple rootstock, similar in size to M111 (about 85-90% of standard). Space trees 20-25' apart. Z3.
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Malus spp.
Dwarfing apple rootstock, produces a tree about a quarter the size of a standard tree. Space trees 5-10' apart. Z4.
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Malus spp.
Also called G11. Dwarf apple rootstock produces a tree about a third the size of standard. Space trees 8-10' apart. Z4/5.
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Malus spp.
Very popular semi-dwarf apple rootstock produces a tree about 65-80% of standard. Space trees 15-20' apart. Hardy to Z3/4.
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Prunus americana
Seedling rootstock for American, Japanese or hybrid plums. Also recommended for grafting peaches. Z3.
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