Duke Highbush Blueberry


Duke Highbush Blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum Early. 4-6'. G-100 (Ivanhoe × Earliblue) × 192-8 (E-30 × E-11) USDA, NJ, 1987.

Medium-large light blue firm fruit with excellent sweet flavor. Even after temps of –30° the winter of 2019, the branches were still loaded with fruit that summer. One of grower Seth Yentes’s favorites in his U-pick. Flavor holds up better than other varieties in the freezer.

Vigorous upright high-yielding bush. Long stems and loose clusters. Z4. (gallon pot, 15–20")

7413 Duke

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Additional Information

Highbush Blueberries

Two varieties are required for pollination, and three or more are recommended. Plant 3–6' apart in rows 8–10' apart.

For more info:
About Highbush Blueberries