‘Raubritter’ Rose


‘Raubritter’ Rose

Rosa macrantha 3-4' × 6-8'. Daisy Hill × Solarium. Kordes, Germany, 1936.

Unlike any rose we’ve seen, with clusters of unusual semi-double globular 2" silvery-pink flowers that are reminiscent of little peonies with a peppery fragrance. Spreading habit makes it ideal for slopes, banks or trailing over rock walls. Dark grey-green foliage is somewhat susceptible to mildew but not until well after bloom. Stunning in full bloom! Blooms for about a month starting in mid-June in central Maine. Ours is unbothered by disease or pests. Z3. BACK! (9–18" bare-root plants)

7564 ‘Raubritter’

A: 1 ea
sold out

Additional Information


Plant crowns 4–6' apart, in a large well-fertilized hole, in an area with at least 4–6 hrs of sun per day.

For more info:
About Roses

Small Trees and Shrubs

As Green’s Nursery catalog from 1904 explains, “There are many trees that by pruning can be made to resemble shrubs, and many shrubs that by different pruning may be made to produce medium-sized trees.”