‘Angelique’ Double Late Tulip


‘Angelique’ Double Late Tulip

Shades of pastel pink and pale rose with lighter edges predominate this Double Late. This well-known fragrant and delicate-looking-but-sturdy beauty is our best-selling peony-flowered tulip. Good for forcing as well.

14–18" tall. Late Spring blooms, Z3-7, 12cm/up bulbs.

6679 ‘Angelique’

A: 10 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season
B: 25 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season
C: 50 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season
D: 100 ea
Ordering for this item is closed for the season

Additional Information

Double Late Tulips

Lovely ruffled double blooms, much like Double Earlies, but enjoyed much later in the season. They tend to be slightly taller than Double Earlies but offer the same peony-flower charm. Excellent for both gardens and bouquets.