You are viewing all Potatoes, Onions and Exotics products related to “alaska.”

Early Season Potato

buff skin, white flesh The earliest of the early. Mid-sized to large round tubers with a floury texture (good for mashing and baking). Stores quite well for such an early potato. read more


Early Season Potato

yellow skin, yellow flesh Produces a multitude of deep yellow, perfectly smooth and amazingly blemish-free potatoes. A higher-yielding alternative to Anuschka and Augusta. read more


Yukon Gem
Early Season Potato

sold out, substitute 7120.
yellow skin with pink eyes, yellow flesh A modern take on Yukon Gold, with higher yields and better PVY and scab resistances. Matures about 10 days later than Yukon Gold, but worth the wait. read more


Red Thumb
Fingerling Potato

red skin, pale red flesh The unique flesh is cream streaked with a light red pigment. Dig early for that classic petite fingerling, or wait for skins to set to secure some lunkers! read more


Late Season Potato

buff skin, white flesh Easy to grow with a solid yield, delicious Elba keeps solidly all winter long, despite slow spring emergence. read more


German Butterball
Late Season Potato

lightly russetted yellow skin, yellow flesh These buttery tubers are hands-down the best-tasting roasting potato in the winter. High yields, good storage qualities. read more


Green Mountain
Late Season Potato

buff skin, white flesh A true potato lover’s potato, with unparalleled fluffiness and an earthy flavor. Great baked or boiled. read more


Late Season Potato

buff skin, white flesh Released in 1932 by the USDA and Maine, it is the standard to which all storage potatoes are compared. Very well suited to a Maine growing season. read more


Late Season Potato

yellow skin, light yellow flesh A late-season yellow with consistently high yields of large tubers across diverse growing regions and conditions. Holds its shape well boiled. read more


Adirondack Red
Mid-Season Potato

red skin, pinkish flesh Intense bright skin, moist firm flesh that's rich in antioxidants. Released by Cornell in 2008 and qualified as “heirlooms-to-be” by Gourmet. read more


Blue Gold
Mid-Season Potato

blue skin, yellow flesh Round sapphire exterior creates a striking contrast with stunning gold flesh. High yielding. Also known as Peter Wilcox. read more


Purple Majesty
Mid-Season Potato

purple skin, purple flesh Exceptionally rich color in these uniform small- to medium-sized tubers. Starchy enough for baking or mashing but firm enough to hold its shape in salads. read more


Red Maria
Mid-Season Potato

red skin, white flesh Super-sweet moist flesh. Excellent dormancy retention in winter storage. Order your extra crates now to accommodate staggering yields to come! read more


Strawberry Paw
Mid-Season Potato

sold out
bright red skin, white flesh Flesh is firm, sweet and moist, with good storage. Generally good yields of medium-to-large tubers. Developed specifically for blight and scab resistance. read more
