Inchelium Red Softneck Artichoke Garlic - Sustainably Grown


Inchelium Red Softneck Artichoke Garlic - Sustainably Grown

Allium sativum Did someone say braiding garlic? This softneck variety usually forms two rings of cloves, 2–3 inner cloves and 6–7 outer cloves, but can make a very large bulb with 4–5 rings. Inner cloves are not as tiny as in supermarket garlics. White paper with reddish-purple markings. Very good flavor, but not intense; excellent raw. Decent keeper, with good yields and good bolt resistance. Originates from Inchelium (in-chee-lee-um), Washington, near the Canadian border. 50–60 cloves per pound.
ECOThis item is sustainably grown

6232 Inchelium Red - Sustainably Grown

A: 0.5 lb
Ordering for this item is closed for the season
B: 2 lb
Ordering for this item is closed for the season

Additional Information

Artichoke Garlic, softneck type

Produces a bulb with two or more rings of cloves and a soft, braidable stem. 50–60 cloves per pound.

Seed Garlic

The bulb size, the skin color, the flavor, and the size and number of cloves are partly determined by genetics, and partly by soil and weather. Our size standard for a seed garlic bulb is 2" diameter, but we reserve the right to ship smaller garlic in difficult crop years. Fedco requires every lot of garlic to test negative for both garlic bloat nematode and white rot.

All our garlic is hardy Zones 3-8. See the USDA Hardiness Zone map for more information.