Pastel Triumph Tulip Mix


Pastel Triumph Tulip Mix

Soft but not wishy-washy, just easy on the eyes. Pale peach, soft pink, lavender and more. This tranquil blend displays quiet beauty in the neighborhood.

18–20" tall. Mid Spring blooms, Z3-7, 12cm/up bulbs. Div3.

6892 Pastel Triumph Tulip Mix
Item Discounted
A: 10 for $10.80   
Ordering closed for the season
B: 50 for $33.75   
Ordering closed for the season
C: 200 for $108.00   
Ordering closed for the season

Additional Information

Tulip Divisions

Div1 Single Early The oldest class of cultivars. Cup-shaped long-lasting flowers; good for forcing. Early Spring blooms.
Div2 Double Early Semi- to fully double ruffled flowers on short sturdy stems. Early Spring blooms.
Div3 Triumph The largest palette of colors, and the best class for forcing. Cup-shaped flowers. Foliage dies back early; easy to remove of over-plant. Mid Spring blooms.
Div4 Darwin Hybrid Long-lived type, with large long-blooming weather-resistant ovoid flowers on tall stems. Mid to Late Spring blooms.
Div5 Single Late Cup- or goblet-shaped flowers, includes Mayflowering, Cottage, Breeder and Darwin tulips. Tall, in a wide range of colors. Late Spring blooms.
Div6 Lily-flowered Pointed reflexed petals and a slender “waist.” Similar to the Ottoman tulips. Late Spring Blooms.
Div7 Fringed A finely cut fringe on the petal edge. Also known as Crispa tulips. Late Spring blooms.
Div8 Viridiflora “Green Flower” tulips have a broad green flame up the outside of the petals. Late Spring blooms.
Div9 Rembrandt Broken colors; all modern cultivars also belong to another class based on their shape.
Div10 Parrot Feathered, curled, twisted petal edges. The bud is said to resemble a parrot’s beak. Mid to Late Spring blooms.
Div11 Double Late Fully doubled ruffled flowers, commonly called Peony tulips. Late Spring blooms.
Div12 Kaufmanniana Low-growing flowers open wide in the sun; perennialize well. Also called Waterlily tulips. Very Early to Early Spring blooms.
Div13 Fosteriana Large single flowers with long petals in rich vivid colors. Reasonably long-lived, good for forcing. Also called Emperor tulips. Early Spring Blooms
Div14 Greigii Large blooms with short stems; perennialize well. Foliage is streaked or mottled burgundy. Early Spring blooms
Div15 Species Wild types and their cultivars.

Descriptions and Codes

See also: bulb planting information and bulb planting charts.