Butterfly Weed Asclepias


Butterfly Weed Asclepias

Asclepias tuberosa 24" tall.

This brilliant summer wildflower features vivid tangerine-orange clusters of flowers atop slender fuzzy stems, covered with green lance-shaped leaves. Spent flowerheads transform into prominent spindle-shaped seed pods that make a unique addition to mixed bouquets.

The fleshy taproot will not tolerate clay or low ground. The very last to emerge in spring—be patient.

Plant in full sun, 18–24" apart in well-drained fertile soil. Native to eastern and southern North America. Z4. (bare-root crowns)

7661 Butterfly Weed

A: 1 ea
B: 3 ea

Additional Information


Named for Asklepios, the Greek god of healing. Commonly known as Pleurisy Root, dried roots from the genus were traditionally used in small doses as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and general tonic. Attracts all manner of bee and butterfly. Watch one of the miracles of summer unfold before your eyes as monarchs lay their eggs on the leaves—a nutritious food source for the resulting caterpillars.

Herbaceous Perennial Plants

When you receive your order, open the bags and check the stock immediately. Roots and crowns should be firm and pliable. Surface mold is harmless and will not affect the plant’s future performance. Store plants in their packaging in a cool (35–40°) location until you are ready to plant. If it’s going to be awhile, you can pot up your perennials.

Do not plant bare-root perennial plant crowns directly outdoors before danger of frost has passed. Wet and/or cold conditions for an extended period may cause rotting.

For more info:
About planting bare-root perennials