Giant Grape Hyacinth
Novelties and Specialties

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Bellevalia paradoxa Dense bud spikes are greenish teal at the top and navy blue at the bottom. Florets open deep purple. Excellent fragrant little cutflowers. Attractive to bees but not to deer. read more


Camas Lily
Camassia - Novelties and Specialties

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Camassia quamash Silvery medium-blue 6-petaled cup-shaped flowers on strong stalks. North American native. read more


Camas Lily ‘Alba’
Camassia - Novelties and Specialties

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Camassia leichtlinii Creamy-white-petaled mauve-anthered 2" star-shaped blossoms. Makes a graceful companion to flowering onions and holds up well in bouquets. read more


‘Pink Giant’
Chionodoxa - Novelties and Specialties

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Chionodoxa forbesii Starlike flowers with blush-pink petals with white centers. Does well in shade, woodland gardens and short grass as well as full sun. read more


Chionodoxa - Novelties and Specialties

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Chionodoxa forbesii Long-lasting all-white flowers. A lovely complement to one of the other varieties, or as diminutive cutflowers. read more


‘Blue Giant’
Chionodoxa - Novelties and Specialties

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Chionodoxa forbesii Starlike flowers with soft medium blue petals and white centers. Can spread to create a stunning blue carpet for over two weeks in spring. read more


‘Violet Beauty’
Chionodoxa - Novelties and Specialties

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Chionodoxa luciliae Starlike flowers with violet-pink petals with pale pink to white centers. Does well in shade, woodland gardens and short grass as well as full sun. read more


Chionodoxa Collection
Novelties and Specialties

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Chionodoxa Fedco exclusive! A mix of these long-lived snow- and critter-resistant stars, in shades of blue, violet, pink and white. read more


Winter Aconite
Eranthis - Novelties and Specialties

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Eranthis cilicica Bright buttercup-yellow flowers in very early spring, each with a frilly green collar which opens bronzy. read more


‘Red Beauty’
Fritillaria - Novelties and Specialties

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Fritillaria imperialis Vibrant clusters of orange-red inverted bell-shaped flowers hang from a peculiar leafy crown atop a tall spike. Long-lived if left undisturbed in a good planting site. read more


Guinea-Hen Flower
Fritillaria - Novelties and Specialties

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Fritillaria meleagris Checkered flowers in a mix of colors, mostly plum or bronze, with some lilac-pink or white. Will spread in a well-drained sheltered spot; also suitable in borders, grassy or humusy areas. read more


Galanthus elwesii
Novelties and Specialties

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Galanthus elwesii Taller than the common snowdrop with larger flowers and earlier bloom time. The best variety for naturalizing, and also well suited to forcing. read more


Galanthus nivalis
Novelties and Specialties

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Galanthus nivalis Frosty white 3-petaled bells with a touch of emerald green on the shorter inner segments. Often one of the first signs of life emerging from the melting snow. read more


Anemone blanda Blue Shades Mix
Grecian Windflower - Novelties and Specialties

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Anemone blanda Short daisy-like flowers with bright yellow centers in rich mixed shades of blue and violet. Enchanting dancing in the spring wind. read more


Anemone blanda Mix
Grecian Windflower - Novelties and Specialties

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Anemone blanda A mix of shades of blue, pink and white. A great ground cover in light shade and under deciduous trees. Charming and easy to grow. read more


English Bluebell
Hyacinthoides - Novelties and Specialties

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Hyacinthoides non-scripta Flax-blue flowers, sweetly scented. The flower of the mythic “bluebell woods” of western Europe and England. read more


Spring Starflower Mix
Ipheion - Novelties and Specialties

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Ipheion uniflorum Sweetly scented low-growing flowers in a mix of colors: pale blue, medium blue, yellow, bluish-white and violet. Easy and attractive. read more


Gravetye Giant Summer Snowflake
Leucojum - Novelties and Specialties

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Leucojum aestivum var. Gravetye Giant Pure white bells with scalloped edges and green spots resemble snowdrops or giant lilies-of-the-valley. Faintly violet-scented. read more


‘Pearls of Spain’
Muscari - Novelties and Specialties

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Muscari botryoides Sweetly perfumed pure white bells. Attractive in borders, edging, or between other bulbs. read more


‘Valerie Finnis’
Muscari - Novelties and Specialties

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Muscari armeniacum Racemes of pearly sky-blue fat florets naturalize well, slowly spreading their unusual color. read more


Muscari armeniacum
Novelties and Specialties

Fragrant bright cobalt-blue florets with subtle white rims; good for forcing, cutting, naturalizing and borders. read more


Muscari latifolium
Novelties and Specialties

Muscari latifolium Tall, with a large dense ombre flower; sky-blue fading to lilac, then to dark violet. The earliest of all Muscari. read more


Muscari ‘Bluezz’ Mix
Novelties and Specialties

Muscari A jazzy little quintet of blue and white spikes of fragrant long-lasting densely packed bells. read more


Siberian Squill
Scilla - Novelties and Specialties

Scilla siberica Loose clusters of bright flax-blue pendent bells. Lightly scented. Very long bloom time. read more


White Siberian Squill
Scilla - Novelties and Specialties

Scilla siberica Pure white clusters of delicate pendent bells. Naturalizes well, blooms for several weeks. read more


Puschkinia scilloides
Striped Squill - Novelties and Specialties

Puschkinia scilloides Compact racemes of white to pale blue flowers, each petal striped with darker blue. 44–6"10 open bells per stem. Plant in... read more
