You are viewing all Fedco Trees products related to “nuts.”
Castanea dentata Up to 100'. Once common in the eastern US. Important food source for people and wildlife. Not immune to blight but likely to thrive 10-30 years. Fast growing and precocious. Z4.
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Castanea mollissima 40-60' x same. Genetically unique seedlings usually produce good-to-excellent nuts in 5-7 years. Resistant to chestnut blight. Z4.
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Castanea 40-60' x 30-40'. Hybrid crosses of mixed parentage. Parent trees show excellent blight resistance. Begins flowering at 3-5 years. Great flavor, high annual nut production. Z4.
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Corylus americana 12-18' x 10-15'. Multi-stemmed native shrub with sweet nuts. Showy catkins in spring. Patchwork of colors in autumn. Can bear in 3-5 years. Z4.
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Corylus spp. 8-12' × same. Hybrid crosses of mixed parentage, including European hazelnut. Nuts will likely be larger than those from other seedlings. Highly resistant or immune to filbert blight. Z3.
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Jefferson Hazelnut
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Corylus avellana 12' × 12'. Unique seedlings of an outstanding European hazelnut bred/selected for heavy yields, sweet flavor, consistent quality and disease resistance. Z5.
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Carya 70-90' × 50-70'. Straight trunked with shaggy bark and branches that curve up at the tips. Bears sweet edible nuts in 40 years. Z4.
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Carya laciniosa 60-80' × 40-60'. Tall nut tree of bottomlands and floodplains. Resembles shagbark hickory but with less shaggy bark. Native. Z5.
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Juglans nigra 70-90'. Spectacular shade tree with open rounded crown. Nuts have sweet earthy rich flavor. May begin to bear in 5-10 years. Z4.
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Juglans regia 30-50' × 40'. Very large fast-growing tree with edible nuts. Bears in 5–7 years. Almost tropical looking. Z4.
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