You are viewing all Fedco Seeds products related to “Beans, Bush.”

Maxibel - Organic
Bush Haricots Vert - Bean

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Phaseolus vulgaris (61 days) Open-pollinated. Dark green straight 6-8" filet pods with excellent flavor. Heavy producer. Speckled brown seed. read more


Montpellier - Organic
Bush Haricots Vert - Bean

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Phaseolus vulgaris (57 days) Open-pollinated. A very refined haricot vert for home gardeners. Exquisitely tender, delicately flavored dark green pods are excellent raw with minimal bitterness. read more


Velour Purple Filet
Bush Haricots Vert - Bean

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Phaseolus vulgaris (62 days) Open-pollinated. Slender straight 4-5" purple pods. Upright medium-sized plant. Light brown seed. read more


Dragon Langerie - Organic
Bush Wax Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (57 days) Open-pollinated. 6" creamy yellow pods mottled with purple tiger stripes. Seeds are purplish brown with blue stripes. read more


Gold Rush - Organic
Bush Wax Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (54 days) Open-pollinated. Straight round 5-6" tender yellow pods with green tips and great flavor. High yields, holds well. read more


Golden Butterwax - Organic
Bush Wax Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. Straight yellow pods with rich color and beany flavor. White seed. read more


Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (53 days) Open-pollinated. 6-7" round medium-dark green beans. Production comes on fast and keeps up for weeks. read more


Bush Blue Lake 274
Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (57 days) Open-pollinated. 6" pods. Long a standard for flavor. Not heat tolerant, but excellent for fall crops. White seed. read more


Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. High yields of tasty 5–7" straight slender round dark green beans. Holds quality well both on the plant and after harvest. read more


Jade - Organic
Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. High yields of tasty 5–7" straight slender round dark green beans. Holds quality well both on the plant and after harvest. read more


Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (50 days) Open-pollinated. Concentrated sets of 5-5.5" pods. High yields even in adverse conditions. A popular favorite. Purple seed. read more


Provider - Organic
Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (50 days) Open-pollinated. Concentrated sets of 5-5.5" pods. High yields even in adverse conditions. A popular favorite. Purple seed. read more


Red Tail - Organic
Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (58 days) Open-pollinated. 5.5" long green bean. Very stress tolerant and high yielding, with good texture and flavor. White seed. read more


Green Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (53 days) Open-pollinated. 5.5" slender smooth straight round pods. Upright plant; easy picking. White seeds. read more


Packer’s - Organic
Lima Bean

Phaseolus lunatus (100 days) Open-pollinated. A satisfying delicious blend of mealy and oily, with good bean flavor. If you’ve never experienced fresh baby limas right from the garden, you won’t believe how delicious they can be! read more


Royal Burgundy - Organic
Purple Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. 5" straight meaty purple pods. Grows well in cold conditions. Light brown seed. read more


Forrester - Organic
Roma Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (59 days) Open-pollinated. Produces heavy yields of fleshy medium-green 5" pods that are slow to develop seeds. Pods aren’t as wide as Roma II, but walls are thicker and juicier. read more


Roma Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (53 days) Open-pollinated. Early, flat Romano-type pods can grow up to 8" long. White seed. read more


Roma II
Roma Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (59 days) Open-pollinated. Heavy yields of 5" flattened Romano pods. White seed. read more


Black Coco - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (60 days shell, 85 days dry) Open-pollinated. 2' plants set abundant 5" round pods of plump shiny black beans. Can be harvested as a shell bean. Dry pods resist shattering, yet are easy to shell. read more


Black Turtle - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (102 days) Open-pollinated. Small black beans. An improved upright bush version of the heirloom. Excellent flavor. read more


Brown Resilient - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (100 days) Open-pollinated. Productive brown dry bean with rich meaty flavor that can stand alone in dishes. read more


Calypso - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (90 days) Open-pollinated. Produces 4-5 beautiful black-and-white beans per pod, with a texture similar to Yellow Eye. Doubles in size when cooked. read more


Fast Lady Northern Southern Pea - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Vigna unguiculata (65 days shell, 90 days dry) Open-pollinated. Cowpeas for the North! Small white bean matures quickly. Easy-to-pick yellow pods. Beautiful yellow flowers on bushy semi-erect plants. read more


Gaucho - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (88 days) Open-pollinated. Compact gold bush bean with full-bodied rich flavor and high yields. Dries down quickly. read more


Jacob’s Cattle
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (88 days) Open-pollinated. Kidney-shaped bean with dark red speckles on white background. Popular New England heirloom. read more


Kenearly - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Plump oval medium-sized bean, cream with a yellow eye. Very similar to Maine Yellow Eye. read more


Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Plump oval medium-sized bean, cream with a yellow eye. Very similar to Maine Yellow Eye. read more


King of the Early - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (85 days) Open-pollinated. Mottled red baking bean. Easy and dependable, with heavy yields. Maine family heirloom. read more


King of the Early
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (85 days) Open-pollinated. Mottled red baking bean. Easy and dependable, with heavy yields. Maine family heirloom. read more


Limelight Dry Bean - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (60 days shell, 85 days dry) Open-pollinated. Similar in shape, color and taste to baby limas, except much easier to grow in our climate and sweeter with a buttery texture. Excellent both as a shell and a dry bean. read more


Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (86 days) Open-pollinated. Richly flavored heirloom brown baking bean that is well adapted to our cool climate. Golden-tan seed. read more


Marfax - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (86 days) Open-pollinated. Richly flavored heirloom brown baking bean that is well adapted to our cool climate. Golden-tan seed. read more


PB&J Nebula Gene Pool
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Dubbed “weirdo beans,” by the student seed keepers at Troy Howard Middle School, these glorious mutts spin out a ragtag rainbow of patterns, habits and ancestral forms. read more


Quincy Pinto - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (106 days) Open-pollinated. Large speckled tan beans with good yields, even in stressful conditions. Creamy texture for great comfort food. read more


Red Kidney - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (102 days) Open-pollinated. Early maturing light-red kidney bean. read more


Saturday Night Special - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (105 days) Open-pollinated. Small pure-white pea bean is early, impressively productive and cooks well. read more


Silver Cloud Cannellini - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (70 days shell, 90 days dry) Open-pollinated. White Cannellini bean. 5-6" short fat pods contain 5 plump seeds. Excellent flavor. read more


Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Large white kidney bean with red-brown soldier-like figures on the eye. Popular New England bean. read more


Soldier - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (89 days) Open-pollinated. Large white kidney bean with red-brown soldier-like figures on the eye. Popular New England bean. read more


Taylor Dwarf Horticultural
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (68 days shell) Open-pollinated. Heirloom shell bean is buff with red stripes. Also known as Speckled Bays. read more


Vermont Cranberry - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (70 days shell, 95 days dry) Open-pollinated. Pods contain 5-6 speckled cranberry-colored beans. Reliable and hardy heirloom. read more


Vermont Cranberry Bean
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (70 days shell, 95 days dry) Open-pollinated. Pods contain 5-6 speckled cranberry-colored beans. Reliable and hardy heirloom. read more


White Candle Gaucho - Organic
Shell and Dry Bush Bean

Phaseolus vulgaris (88 days) Open-pollinated. White bush bean with good yields and mild flavor. Pale sibling of golden Gaucho. read more
